 ZHANG Zhuo-ya,WANG Xiao-ling,XU Xiao-ming,et al.Effect of humic acid on water use efficiency and grouting process of wheat at flowering[J].,2015,(04):725-731.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2015.04.003]





Effect of humic acid on water use efficiency and grouting process of wheat at flowering
ZHANG Zhuo-ya1WANG Xiao-ling2XU Xiao-ming1LI Gui2
(1.Colloge of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;2.Institute of Plant Protection, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
humic acidwheatwater use efficiencygrain filling process
以扬麦16和宁麦13为试验材料,研究了不同浓度(0 g/L、4 g/L、8 g/L、12 g/L)腐植酸叶面处理对扬花期小麦光合特性、水分利用效率、灌浆进程及产量的影响。结果表明,8 g/L腐植酸叶面处理后,扬麦16的气孔限制值和水分利用效率分别增加了18.75%和14.9%,宁麦13的净光合速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率和表观叶肉导度分别增加了20.83%、15.07%、15.94%和20.37%,且都与对照有显著性差异。同时,腐植酸叶面处理显著增加了两种小麦的穗质量增加速率,促进了灌浆进程。产量及其构成因子测定结果表明,随着腐植酸浓度的增加,小麦千粒质量、穗粒数和产量有不同程度的增加。其中,8 g/L腐植酸叶面处理后,扬麦16和宁麦13的千粒质量分别增加3.9%和16.29%,穗粒数分别增加4.4%和12.68%,产量分别显著增加17.34%和28.18%。说明腐植酸叶面处理能有效提高小麦的千粒质量和穗粒数,增加产量。因此,腐植酸叶面处理可以作为提高小麦水分利用效率和促进灌浆进程的一种有效措施。
Yangmai 16 and Ningmai 13 were selected as materials to study the effects of foliar spraying different concentrations (0 g/L, 4 g/L, 8 g/L, 12 g/L) of humic acid (HA) on photosynthetic characteristics, water use efficiency (WUE), grain filling and yield of wheat at flowering. Compared with control(HA free), 8 g/L of HA significantly(P<0.05) increased the stomatal limitations and WUE of Yangmai 16 by 18.75% and 14.9%, and significantly(P<0.05) increased the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, WUE, apparent mesophyll conductance (AMC) of Ningmai 13 by 20.83%, 15.07%, 15.94% and 20.37%, respectively. Foliar spraying HA significantly improved the grain filling rate of the two winter wheat cultivars, and thus promoted grain filling process. With the rising of HA concentration, the grain number per ear, 1 000-grain weight and yield of wheat increased in varying degrees. HA concentration (8 g/L) significantly raised 1 000-grain weight of Yangmai 16 and Ningmai 13 by 3.9% and 16.29%, the grain number per ear by 4.4% and 12.68%, and the yield by 17.34% and 28.18%, respectively. Therefore, foliar spraying HA is an effective way to improve WUE and grain filling process of wheat.


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收稿日期:2015-02-06 基金项目:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303022);国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD19B02) 作者简介:张卓亚(1991-),男,河南信阳人,硕士研究生,主要从事光合生理研究。(Tel)15150565819;(E-mail)Zhuoya818@126.com 通讯作者:许晓明,(Tel)025-84395423;(E-mail)xuxm@njau.edu.cn。李贵,(Tel)025-84390335;(E-mail)ippligui@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-08-31