 LIU Yue,QU Hao,TIAN Yi-ping,et al.Transcriptome analysis of the response of heat shock protein encoding genes induced by salicylic acid in tea plants[J].,2024,(04):607-614.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.04.004]





Transcriptome analysis of the response of heat shock protein encoding genes induced by salicylic acid in tea plants
LIU YueQU HaoTIAN Yi-pingCHEN Chun-linRAN Long-xunCHEN Lin-bo
(Tea Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Yunnan Technology Engineering Research Center of Tea Germplasm Innovation and Supporting Cultivation/Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Tea Science, Kunming 666201, China)
exogenous salicylic acidtea planttranscriptomedifferentially expressed geneheat shock protein
水杨酸是诱导植物抗性机制中重要的信号分子,外源喷施水杨酸能够调控多种防御相关蛋白质,提升农作物的抗病能力。开展外源水杨酸诱导茶树抗性机制的研究能够挖掘抗病基因,为茶树抗病育种提供分子基础。本研究采集外源喷施水杨酸0 h、6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h的茶树叶片进行转录组测序与分析,结果表明,外源喷施水杨酸6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h时茶树叶片内差异表达基因数量分别为9 360个、3 399个、596个、115个,外源水杨酸处理后各时间点均发生差异表达的基因共604个。KEGG功能富集结果显示,处理后6 h时富集于植物激素信号转导、植物-病原菌互作、核糖体、剪接体和碳代谢通路上的差异表达基因数量分别为95个、73个、121个、94个、154个。差异表达基因中有12个热激因子基因、40个热激蛋白基因和12个WRKY家族转录因子基因上调表达。处理48 h后,无上调表达的热激因子基因,但仍有28个热激蛋白基因上调表达。病程相关蛋白基因在检测阶段均上调表达。外源水杨酸的诱导作用在处理6 h时最为明显,并且引起了大量热激蛋白的响应。本研究结果为开展外源水杨酸诱导茶树抗病机制和茶树抗病分子育种研究提供了参考。
Salicylic acid is an important signal molecule in mechanism of plant resistance induction. Externally spraying salicylic acid can regulate multiple defense-related proteins and improve the resistance of crops. Research on the resistance mechanism of tea plants induced by exogenous salicylic acid can explore resistance genes and provide molecular basis for resistance breeding of tea plants. In this study, transcriptome sequencing and analysis were conducted on tea leaves collected at 0 h 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h of spraying exogenous salicylic acid. The results showed that numbers of differentially expressed genes in tea leaves at 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h of spraying exogenous salicylic acid were 9 360, 3 399, 596 and 115 respectively, 604 genes were differentially expressed at each time point after exogenous salicylic acid treatment. Results of KEGG functional enrichment showed that 95, 73, 121, 94 and 154 differentially expressed genes were respectively enriched in plant hormone signal transduction, plant-pathogen interaction, ribosome, spliceosome and carbon metabolic pathways six hours after treatment. Among the differentially expressed genes, 12 genes of heat shock protein transcriptional factors, 40 genes of heat shock proteins and 12 transcriptional factor genes of WRKY family were up-regulated. No up-regulated gene of HSP transcriptional factors was found after 48 h of treatment, but 28 HSP genes were upregulated. Expression of genes encoding pathogenesis related protein were up-regulated at the detection stage. The induction effect of exogenous salicylic acid was the most obvious at six hours of treatment and caused many responses of heat shock protein. The results of the study provided a reference for the research of disease-resistance mechanism of tea tree induced by exogenous salicylic acid and molecular breeding for disease resistance of tea tree.


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