 ZHOU Rong,ZHAO Tong-min,ZHAO Li-ping,et al.High-glossiness tomato breeding and fruit surface glossiness[J].,2018,(06):1437-1440.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2018.06.033]





High-glossiness tomato breeding and fruit surface glossiness
ZHOU Rong12ZHAO Tong-min12ZHAO Li-ping12WANG Yin-lei12SONG Liu-xia12YU Wen-gui12
(1.Institute of Vegetable Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China;2.Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement, Nanjing 210014,China)
With the improvement of people’s living standard, consumers are increasingly demanding the quality of tomatoes. Breeding tomato varieties with high glossiness has become one of the main purposes of breeders. The previous researches concerning fruits glossiness mainly in the aspect of identification method, gene mapping and the relationship between glossiness and cuticle were revieved in this paper in order to provide a reference for the establishment of molecular marker assisted breeding system on tomato high-glossiness and genetic mechanism of the fruit glossiness formation.


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收稿日期:2018-01-30 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0101904) 作者简介:周蓉(1989-),女,江苏淮安人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事高品质番茄育种工作,(Tel)025-84390663;(E-mail)applezhourong2014@163.com 通讯作者:赵统敏,(E-mail)tmzhaomail@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-12-28