 ZHANG Gaoyuan,WEI Bingqiang.Screening and mapping of genes related to recessive nuclear male sterility in watermelon[J].,2024,(06):1089-1097.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.016]





Screening and mapping of genes related to recessive nuclear male sterility in watermelon
ZHANG GaoyuanWEI Bingqiang
(College of Horticulture, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
watermelonmale sterilityfertility related genesgene mapping
为挖掘更多的西瓜花药、花粉发育相关基因,解析其调控网络,本研究以西瓜雄性不育植株和可育植株为材料,构建遗传分离群体,并利用BSA-seq和RNA-seq进行基因定位和育性相关基因筛选。结果表明,雄性不育性状由单个隐性细胞核基因控制,该基因被定位在6号染色体的5 766 829 bp至21 366 400 bp之间。结合SNP/InDel变异位点、基因注释及表达分析,获得1个关键候选差异表达基因Cla97C06G117840以及受该基因表达影响的20个其他差异表达基因。生物信息学分析推测Cla97C06G117840由于部分编码序列缺失导致编码蛋白质提前终止,进而引起花粉败育。此外20个其他差异表达基因被富集在花药壁绒毡层发育和花粉壁组件基因集通路中,可能形成基因调控网络来影响花药、花粉发育。本研究为后期基因功能验证奠定了基础。
To explore more genes related to watermelon anther and pollen development and analyze its regulatory network, the genetic segregation population was constructed using watermelon male sterile materials and male fertile materials. And the gene mapping and fertility related gene screening were carried out by using BSA-seq and RNA-seq. The results showed that male sterility trait was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, which was mapped between 5 766 829 bp and 21 366 400 bp on chromosome 6. In combination with SNP/InDel variation site, gene annotation and expression analysis, one key candidate differentially expressed gene Cla97C06G117840 and 20 other differentially expressed genes affected by the expression of this gene were obtained. Bioinformatics analysis suggested that the deletion of some coding sequences of Cla97C06G117840 led to premature termination of the coding protein, resulting in pollen abortion. In addition, 20 other differentially expressed genes were enriched in the gene pathway of anther wall tapetum development and pollen wall assembly. These genes might form a gene regulatory network to affect anther and pollen development. This study can lay a foundation for later gene function verification.


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收稿日期:2023-05-06基金项目:甘肃省教育厅创新基金项目(2022B-102);甘肃农业大学省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室开放基金项目(GSCS-2020-09);甘肃农业大学公开招聘博士科研启动基金项目(2017RCZX-30)作者简介:张高原 (1987-),男,河南漯河人,博士,讲师,研究方向为西瓜育种及分子生物学。(E-mail)zhanggy@gsau.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15