 WANG Lin-lin,ZHONG Yang-min,MIAO Ye-min-zi,et al.Comprehensive evaluation of vegetable faba bean in agronomic and quality traits by principal component analysis and cluster analysis[J].,2023,(03):788-797.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.03.020]





Comprehensive evaluation of vegetable faba bean in agronomic and quality traits by principal component analysis and cluster analysis
WANG Lin-linZHONG Yang-minMIAO Ye-min-ziMA Rui-fangLIU Ting-fu
(Lishui Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Lishui 323002, China)
vegetable faba beanagronomic traitsquality traitsprincipal component analysiscluster analysis
Twelve agronomic traits and six quality traits in 15 vegetable faba bean varieties (lines) were measured in this study. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to analyze the phenotypes, which provided the material and theoretical basis for scientific evaluation and variety selection of vegetable faba bean. The results showed that the variation coefficients of 18 characters ranged from 3.98% to 56.09%. Fresh pod length, fresh pod width, fresh seed length, fresh seed width and moisture content remained relatively stable, while plant height, pod number per plant, vitamin C content and starch content had significant variations. Results of the correlation analysis showed that the phenotypic traits of fresh pods and seeds were correlated with quality traits. Crude protein content was significantly negatively correlated with fresh seed length and extremely significantly negatively correlated with fresh hundred-seed weight. The crude fat content was significantly negatively correlated with fresh pod length, fresh seed width and fresh hundred-seed weight, and was extrenely significantly negatively correlated with fresh seed length. Vitamin C content was significantly positively correlated with fresh pod width. The cumulative contribution of the top six principal factors reached 86.348% in principal factors analysis. The first principal component was related to seed appearance quality and nutritional quality,the second principal component was related to yield and quality-related traits, the third principal component was related to the size of fresh pod, the fourth principal component was related to the first pod node and number of effective branches, the fifth principal component was related to soluble solids content and starch content, and the sixth principal component was related to the number of nodes on main stem. The score of Y2224 was the highest in the comprehensive evaluation, with an F value of 2.274. The 15 vegetable faba bean varieties (lines) were divided into three groups using cluster analysis. Among them, group Ⅰ belonged to middle-seed varieties (lines) with high crude protein content, high crude fat content, taller plant type, and more seeds per pod. Group Ⅱ belonged to large-seed varieties (lines) with high starch content, strong branching and podding properties. Group Ⅲ belonged to huge-seed lines with high vitamin C content and broad pods.


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收稿日期:2022-11-24 基金项目:丽水市科技计划项目(2022GYX13);浙江省自然科学基金探索项目(Q23C020008);浙江省农业(蔬菜新品种选育)新品种选育重大科技专项(2021C02065-6-4)作者简介:王琳琳(1989-),女,辽宁本溪人,博士,助理研究员,研究方向为作物遗传育种。(E-mail)wanglinlin4585@163.com 通讯作者:刘庭付,( E-mail )12920515@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-07-11