 ZHANG Xia,LI Jian,PAN Xiao-qing,et al.Effects of different proportions of spent litters on crop yield, soil fertility and heavy metals in rice-wheat rotation[J].,2021,(05):1175-1182.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2021.05.012]





Effects of different proportions of spent litters on crop yield, soil fertility and heavy metals in rice-wheat rotation
ZHANG XiaLI JianPAN Xiao-qingSHAO LeQIN FengZHAI PinYANG JieGU Hong-ru
(Institute of Animal Science, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Crop and Livestock Integrated Farming, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing 210014, China)
rice-wheat rotationorganic fertilizersoil fertilityheavy metals
针对中国化肥施用量较高、大田作物畜禽粪污有机肥施用率低等问题,以稻麦轮作体系为研究对象,在相等的施氮量(稻季 300 kg/hm2,麦季 225 kg/hm2)条件下,以熟化垫料不同比例替代化肥[不施肥对照(CK)、施化肥(CF)、熟化垫料氮替代1/4氮素化肥氮(1/4DL)、熟化垫料氮替代1/2氮素化肥氮(1/2DL)、熟化垫料氮替代3/4氮素化肥氮(3/4DL)以及熟化垫料氮全量替代氮素化肥氮],研究了在相等施氮量条件下熟化垫料替代化肥对稻麦轮作体系作物产量、土壤肥力以及重金属的影响。结果表明,在水稻季施氮量 300 kg/hm2条件下,熟化垫料替代处理的产量达到单施化肥处理的产量。不同处理间小麦产量差异极显著,随熟化垫料替代量增加,小麦产量表现出先增加后降低的趋势,1/2DL处理的小麦产量最高。稻麦轮作三季后,熟化垫料替代氮素化肥处理耕层0~20 cm 土壤全氮含量、有机质含量、pH值均表现出先增加后降低的趋势,3/4DL处理最高,而磷含量及电导率则呈线性增加趋势。稻麦轮作三季后,耕层0~20 cm土壤铜、锌总含量均高于试验前土壤铜、锌总含量,各处理铜、锌、镉、砷、铅等指标均在土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(GB 15618-2018)范围内。稻麦轮作三季后,土壤内有效态铜、锌、镉、铅含量均高于试验前土壤,砷则相反。对于施肥处理,土壤内有效态铜、锌含量随熟化垫料施用量增加而增加,有效态铅含量则随垫料用量增加而降低,不同处理间有效态镉含量差异不显著。
In order to solve the problems of excessive application of chemical fertilizer and low application rate of organic fertilizer in field crops in China, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of spent litters on crop yield, soil fertility and heavy metals content in rice-wheat rotation. Under the condition of equal nitrogen application (300 kg/hm2 in rice season, 225 kg/hm2 in wheat season), inorganic fertilizer was replaced by different proportions of spent litters. The experiment inclued no fertilizer treatment (CK), inorganic fertilizer treatment (CF), 1/4 litter fertilizer replacement treatment(1/4DL), 1/2 litter fertilizer replacement treatment(1/2DL), 3/4 litter fertilizer replacement treatment(3/4DL) and all litter fertilizer replacement treatment. The results clearly demonstrated that the yield in litters replacement treatment was consistent with that in inorganic fertilizer treatment in rice season. There was a significant difference in wheat yield among different treatments. The yield of wheat increased first and then decreased with the increase of spent litters application rate. The wheat yield in 1/2DL treatment was the highest. After three seasons of rice-wheat rotation, the total nitrogen content, total phosphorus content, organic matter content, pH value and electrical conductivity in 0-20 cm soil increased with the increase of spent litters application amount. The total nitrogen content, organic matter content and pH value increased first and then decreased, and all the parameters in the 3/4DL treatment were the highest. The phosphorus content and electrical conductivity showed linear increasing trend. The total contents of Cu and Zn in 0-20 cm soil were higher than those before the experiment after three seasons of rice-wheat rotation. The total contents of Cu, Zn, As, Pb and Cd in 0-20 cm soil were in the range of soil environmental quality risk control standard for soil contamination of agricultural land (GB 15618-2018). After three seasons of rice-wheat rotation, the contents of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in 0-20 cm soil were higher than those before the experiment, but the content of As decreased. The contents of available Cu, available Zn increased with the increase of spent litters application rate, while the content of available Pb decreased. There was no significant difference in the content of available Cd among different treatments.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-11-09