 CHAO Yueen,WANG Shasha,WANG Qingchang,et al.Effect of avenin-like proteins on wheat dough strength traits based on comparative transcriptome[J].,2024,(05):777-784.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.05.002]





Effect of avenin-like proteins on wheat dough strength traits based on comparative transcriptome
CHAO YueenWANG ShashaWANG QingchangHUANG ChaoLI WeiSHI Feng
(Institute of Wheat Research, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China)
wheatavenin-like proteinsdough strengthfree sulfhydryl groupstranscriptome
面团强度是影响小麦加工应用的主要品质指标之一。为鉴定与面团强度性状相关的贮藏蛋白编码基因,本研究以高相对分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组合完全相同的2个品种(郑麦366:高面团强度品种;郑麦366杂交后代品种郑麦369:低面团强度品种)为研究材料,比较开花后14 d、21 d、28 d的贮藏蛋白编码基因表达差异,评估基因编码蛋白的面团强度贡献值,以及面粉的巯基含量差异等。结果表明,在25个显著差异表达的贮藏蛋白编码基因中,无高相对分子量麦谷蛋白亚基、低相对分子量麦谷蛋白亚基基因;其中郑麦366显著上调表达基因14个,包含8个燕麦类似蛋白编码基因和6个醇溶蛋白编码基因;显著下调表达基因11个,包括10个醇溶蛋白编码基因和1个燕麦类似蛋白编码基因。贮藏蛋白面团强度评价模型的评分结果显示,差异表达基因编码的燕麦类似贮藏蛋白对面团强度性状的贡献值不低于优质麦谷蛋白亚基,暗示燕麦类似贮藏蛋白可能也是影响面团强度性状的重要蛋白质类型。
Wheat dough strength is one of the important quality indicators that can affect the processing and application of wheat. To identify genes that coding grain storage proteins (GSPs) related to dough strength quality, two wheat cultivars (cultivar Zhengmai 366, with high dough strength; cultivar Zhengmai 369, with low dough strength, which was filial generation of Zhengmai 366) with the same combination of high molecular weight-glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) were used as the test materials in this study. Expression differences of storage proteins encoding genes were compared 14 d, 21 d and 28 d after flowering. The contribution value of gene encoding proteins to dough strength and sulfhydryl content difference of flour were evaluated. The results showed that, in 25 significantly differentially expressed GSP encoding genes, there weren’t any high or low molecular weight-glutenin subunits, and there were 14 genes of Zhengmai 366 significantly up-regulated (including eight avenin-like encoding genes and six gliadin coding genes), 11 genes were significantly down-regulated (including ten gliadin coding genes and one avenin-like encoding gene). The prediction results of evaluation model for dough strength of storage proteins indicated that, the avenin-like proteins encoded by differentially expressed genes may contribute more to dough strength than the elite glutenin subunit. The results suggest that maybe avenin-like proteins are also important protein types that can influence dough strength.


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