 ZHOU Miaoping,ZHANG Peng,YANG Xueming,et al.Preliminary QTL mapping for thousand kernel weight in Yangmai 158/Xifeng recombinant inbred line population[J].,2025,(01):1-8.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2025.01.001]





Preliminary QTL mapping for thousand kernel weight in Yangmai 158/Xifeng recombinant inbred line population
ZHOU MiaopingZHANG PengYANG XuemingZHANG PingpingSONG GuichengHE Yi
(Institute of Food Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
wheatthousand kernel weightrecombinant inbred linesquantitative trait locus
千粒重是影响小麦产量的重要因素,该性状遗传率高,所以研究者可以通过分子标记辅助选择有效提高小麦千粒重。为了挖掘更多与小麦千粒重密切相关的数量性状基因座(QTL)并用于标记辅助育种,本研究采用长江中下游曾经大面积推广的品种扬麦158与引进品种西风组配重组自交系群体,利用55 K芯片技术分析重组自交系群体基因型,结合3年的群体千粒重表型资料,对影响小麦千粒重的QTL进行初步分子定位。结果共检测到22个可重复的QTL,这些QTL分布于20条染色体,其中12个QTL只在2个年度被发现;10个QTL能在3个年度重复检测到,为稳定QTL。10个稳定QTL位于染色体1B、2A、4A、4B、4D、5A、5D、7A(2个QTL)和7D共9条染色体上,其中位于染色体4B、5A、5D、7A、7D上的QTL为新发现的千粒重相关QTL。在稳定QTL中,9个来自高千粒重亲本扬麦158,1个来自低千粒重亲本西风。位于染色体4B、4D、5A的稳定QTL,在3个年度的表型解释率均超过10.0%,为主效QTL,并且增加千粒重的性状均来自亲本扬麦158,这些QTL可以在今后提高小麦千粒重的标记辅助育种研究中发挥重要作用。
Thousand kernel weight (TKW) is an important factor affecting wheat yield. This trait has a high heritability and can be effectively improved by molecular marker-assisted selection. In order to explore more quantitative trait loci (QTLs) closely related to TKW of wheat for marker-assisted breeding, the recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was prepared by using the large-scale promotion variety Yangmai 158 in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the introduced variety Xifeng. The genotype of the RIL population was analyzed by 55 K chip technology, and the QTLs affecting the TKW of wheat were preliminarily mapped by combining the three-year TKW phenotypic data of the population. The results showed that a total of 22 repeatable QTLs were detected, which were distributed on 20 chromosomes, of which 12 QTLs were found only in two years. Ten QTLs could be detected repeatedly in three years, which were stable QTLs. Ten stable QTLs were located on nine chromosomes, including 1B, 2A, 4A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5D, 7A (two QTLs) and 7D. Among them, QTLs on 4B, 5A, 5D, 7A and 7D were newly discovered QTLs related to TKW. Among the stable QTLs, nine QTLs were derived from the high TKW parent Yangmai 158, and one QTL was derived from the low TKW parent Xifeng. Stable QTLs located on chromosomes 4B, 4D, and 5A, with phenotypic explanations exceeding 10.0% in all three years, were the major QTLs, and the traits increasing TKW were all derived from the parent Yangmai 158. These QTLs can play an important role in improving wheat TKW through marker assisted breeding in the future.


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