 XU Jing,ZHANG Zheng-feng.Effects of agricultural machinery socialization service on farmland transfer[J].,2021,(05):1310-1319.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2021.05.029]





Effects of agricultural machinery socialization service on farmland transfer
XU JingZHANG Zheng-feng
(School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
agricultural machinery socialization servicefarmland transfersmall farmersappropriate scale of agricultural operation
The loss of traditional agricultural labor force and the popularization of modern agriculture promote the extensive use of agricultural machinery in the field of agricultural production. At present, the restriction of small-scale farming pattern makes it more difficult for most agricultural operators to buy agricultural machinery, which promotes the emergence and development of agricultural machinery socialization service. The agricultural machinery socialization service plays an important role in agricultural production and farmland transfer by replacing agricultural labor, popularizing production technology and reducing production cost. Based on the data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) in 2015, Probit model and Tobit model were used to empirically analyze the impact of agricultural machinery socialization service on farmland transfer, and heterogeneity analysis was carried out through sample grouping. The results showed that the promotion of agricultural machinery socialization service had a significant impact on the farmland transfer out and transfer in. The agricultural machinery socialization service had a significant negative impact on the behavior and scale of rural land transfer out, and a significant positive impact on farmland transfer in. In addition, the impacts of agricultural machinery socialization service were also different in various age types and production areas. Therefore, the agricultural machinery socialization service should be fully developed and diversified agricultural machinery services and technical support should be implemented. In addition, we should strengthen the promotion of agricultural machinery service and technical assistance according to local conditions and improve the organization level of small farmers in agricultural production.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-11-09