 TIAN Mengfan,DAI Weiwei,ZHOU Jiahui,et al.Promotion of alliin accumulation by endogenous Bacillus velezensis in garlic[J].,2024,(12):2283-2291.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.12.011]





Promotion of alliin accumulation by endogenous Bacillus velezensis in garlic
TIAN Mengfan12DAI Weiwei12ZHOU Jiahui1XUE Yan1FENG Zhaozhong1WANG Junjuan12
(1.School of Life Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221000, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221000, China)
garlicallicinalliinalliinaseendophytic bacteriaBacillus velezensis
内生菌与植物之间存在着互利共生关系,它可以促进宿主植物中活性物质的积累。为探究大蒜内生菌能否促进大蒜活性物质蒜氨酸的积累,以贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)KLBMP108和蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)KLBMP81为供试菌株,测定其对3个不同地区不同品种大蒜叶片中蒜氨酸含量的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,处理后第6 d, 菌株KLBMP108能使其宿主改良大蒜的蒜氨酸含量提高至1.68 mg/mL,蒜氨酸裂解酶表达量显著提高;而对非宿主品种河南紫蒜以及云南苔蒜的蒜氨酸含量没有显著影响。分离自红豆杉的菌株KLBMP81处理的3种大蒜蒜氨酸含量均较低。本研究证实菌株KLBMP108能够提高其宿主改良大蒜叶片中蒜氨酸含量,是大蒜品种改良的宝贵微生物资源。
A mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship happens between endophytic bacteria and plants, which can promote the accumulation of active substances in the host plant. To investigate whether endophytic bacteria of garlic promote the accumulation of alliin, an active substance in garlic, Bacillus velezensis KLBMP108 and Bacillus cereus KLBMP81 were used as the test strains to determine their effects on the alliin content in leaves of three different varieties of garlic in different regions. The results showed that compared with the control, on the 6th day after treatment, the strain KLBMP108 could increase the alliin content of the improved garlic to 1.68 mg/mL, and the expression of alliinase was significantly increased. However, there was no significant effect on the alliin content of non-host varieties Henan purple garlic and Yunnan moss garlic. The alliin content of three kinds of garlic treated by strain KLBMP81 isolated from Taxus chinensis was low. In conclusion, strain KLBMP108 can increase the alliin content in its host Gailiang garlic leaves, and is a valuable microbial resource for garlic variety improvement.


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