 ZHANG Si-mei,GU Ke-jun,ZHANG Chuan-hui,et al.Effects of reduced nitrogen fertilization on yield formation and nitrogen uptake and utilization of japonica rice under total wheat straw returning[J].,2023,(02):360-367.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.02.008]





Effects of reduced nitrogen fertilization on yield formation and nitrogen uptake and utilization of japonica rice under total wheat straw returning
ZHANG Si-mei123GU Ke-jun2ZHANG Chuan-hui2GU Dong-xiang2DUAN Zeng-qiang1
(1.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;2.Institute of Food Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
straw returningnitrogen reductionyieldnitrogen use efficiency
为了探明麦秸全量还田下合理的氮肥施用方案,以南粳9108为材料,设置了不施氮对照(CK)、施氮量[常量施氮(300 kg/hm2),A1,减量20%施氮(240 kg/hm2),A2]和氮肥运筹(基蘖氮肥∶穗氮肥=6∶4,B1,基蘖氮肥∶穗氮肥=7∶3,B2)处理,分析了麦秸全量还田下减氮施肥及不同氮肥运筹对粳稻产量形成和氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,A1水平下粳稻分蘖中期、拔节期地上部干物质积累量均值高于A2水平;提高基蘖氮肥比例有利于粳稻地上部干物质的累积。A2水平下粳稻平均产量较A1水平仅降低110.08 kg/hm2,差异不显著;A1和A2水平下B2处理粳稻产量均高于B1处理,但差异不显著。A1水平下分蘖中期、拔节期以及分蘖中期至拔节期生育阶段氮素积累量均值高于A2水平,提高基蘖氮肥比例使粳稻分蘖中期、拔节期氮素积累量增加。与A1水平相比,A2水平粳稻氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率均显著提高,氮肥生理利用率、氮肥表观利用率有所提高但不显著。综合来看,麦秸全量还田条件下,在常规施氮量的基础上减量20%,氮肥适当前移,可实现粳稻产量水平保持稳定的同时,提高氮肥农学利率和偏生产力。
To explore the reasonable nitrogen fertilizer application scheme under total wheat straw returning, no nitrogen application was set as control (CK), an interaction experiment with two nitrogen application rates, 300 kg/hm2(A1) and 240 kg/hm2(A2), and two nitrogen application regimes, the proportion of base-tillering nitrogen fertilizer to panicle nitrogen fertilizer 6∶4(B1) and 7∶3(B2), was conducted with Nanjing 9108 as the experimental material, and the effects of reduced nitrogen fertilization and different nitrogen fertilizer management on yield formation and nitrogen uptake and utilization of japonica rice were analyzed. The results showed that mean dry matter accumulation in the shoots at the middle tillering and jointing stages under A1 level was higher than that under A2 level. Increasing the proportion of base-tillering nitrogen fertilizer was beneficial to the aboveground dry matter accumulation of japonica rice. The average yield of japonica rice under A2 level was only 110.08 kg/hm2 lower than that under A1 level, and the difference was not significant. The yield in B2 treatment was higher than that in B1 treatment under A1 and A2 levels. The mean value of nitrogen accumulation under A1 level was higher than that under A2 level in the middle tillering stage, jointing stage and the growth stage from the middle tillering stage to the jointing stage. Increasing the proportion of base-tillering nitrogen fertilizer increased the nitrogen accumulation of rice in the middle tillering stage and jointing stage. Compared with A1 level, the partial factor productivity of nitrogen fertilizer and the agronomic utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer of japonica rice at A2 level were significantly increased, and the physiological utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer and the apparent utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer were increased but not significantly. In general, under the condition of total wheat straw returning to field, reducing 20% of nitrogen application rate on the basis of conventional nitrogen application rate and appropriately advancing nitrogen fertilizer could achieve stable yield of japonica rice and improve agronomic utilization rate and partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer.


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收稿日期:2022-06-08 基金项目:江苏省重点研发计划项目(BE2019377);江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目[CX(18)1002] 作者简介:张斯梅(1981-),女,江苏赣榆人,博士研究生,副研究员,主要从事作物栽培生理生态及秸秆资源化利用研究。(E-mail) zhangsimei929@sina.com 通讯作者:段增强,(E-mail) zqduan@issas.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-05-12