 ZHAO Yi,DU Jian-jun,ZHANG Zhen-hua,et al.Research progress on the effects of straw returning on soil organic matter accumulation and transformation[J].,2021,(06):1614-1622.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2021.05.032]





Research progress on the effects of straw returning on soil organic matter accumulation and transformation
ZHAO Yi1DU Jian-jun1ZHANG Zhen-hua2CHEN Hai-bin1GUO Jia-ming1FAN Ru-qin1LI Xiao-bo1
(1.College of Resources and Environment, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering/Guangdong Engineering and Technology Center for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control in Agricultural Areas, Guangzhou 510225, China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
straw returningfermentation returningbiological decomposing agentcarbonization returningsoil organic matter
土壤有机质(Soil organic matter, SOM)是农田地力的基础,也是评估农田质量的首要参数,对作物产量提升和国家粮食安全都有重大意义。秸秆还田作为秸秆资源化利用的重要方式,在消纳秸秆废弃物和改善土壤板结等问题上具有巨大潜力,尤其是其对SOM提升的影响成为海内外研究的热门话题。目前,关于秸秆还田对SOM含量的影响已有大量报道,但对不同秸秆还田方式下SOM的提升效果缺乏总体概述。本文简要概述了秸秆直接还田、发酵还田、添加生物腐熟剂后还田和炭化还田4种应用较广泛的秸秆还田方式,综合评述其提高SOM含量的效果及优缺点,聚焦其对SOM含量的影响机制,并从秸秆还田的高效性、可持续性角度为今后进一步开展秸秆还田技术研究进行了展望,以期为优选秸秆还田方式、提升SOM含量提供理论参考。
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the foundation and core of soil fertility and the primary parameter for soil quality evaluation. Moreover, it is of great significance to the improvement of crop yield and national food security. As an important way of straw utilization, straw returning has great potential in consuming straw waste, improving soil consolidation and increasing SOM content. In particular, the effect of straw returning on SOM content has become one of the research hotspots. Although a large number of studies at home and abroad have reported the effects of straw returning on SOM content and its role in improving soil fertility, there is a lack of general review on the promotion effects of SOM under different returning methods. In this paper, four widely used straw returning methods including direct straw returning, fermentation returning, returning after adding biological decomposing agent and carbonization returning were summarized. This paper focused on the influence and mechanisms of straw returning on SOM content, and comprehensively reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of different returning methods. The further research on straw returning technology was prospected from the perspective of high efficiency and sustainability, so as to provide theoretical reference for optimizing straw returning methods and increasing SOM content.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-01-07