 WANG Yu,WANG Guiliang,SHEN Wanyi,et al.Soil fertility evaluation of cultivated land in typical counties of Huanghuai Plain[J].,2024,(08):1434-1445.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.08.008]





Soil fertility evaluation of cultivated land in typical counties of Huanghuai Plain
WANG YuWANG GuiliangSHEN WanyiZHAO WenhuiHU RuiQIAN Xiaoqing
(Key Laboratory of Arable Land Quality Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)
minimum data setprincipal component analysissoil fertility evaluationXiangshui County Jiangsu province
Soil fertility is the comprehensive performance of soil basic properties and productivity. Soil fertility evaluation in the study area of Xiangshui County of Jiangsu province is beneficial to understanding the spatial distribution of soil fertility, and plays an important role in the rational utilization of cultivated land resources in Huanghuai Plain. In this study, statistical analysis and principal component analysis were used to screen soil fertility indicators to construct a minimum data set (MDS) for fertility evaluation. At the same time, weighted summation method was used to calculate soil fertility index (SFQI), and a comprehensive evaluation system reflecting soil fertility in the study area was established. The results showed that the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available molybdenum, available iron and available copper were abundant, and the average value was at the first level. The content of available phosphorus in soil was relatively lacking, and the overall level was the fourth level. Expect for pH, the coefficients of variation of other indicators were greater than 10%, and the ratio of nugget value to sill value of each index was above 25%, and the spatial autocorrelation was weak. MDS for soil fertility evaluation in the study area included pH, bulk density, total nitrogen, available potassium, available copper and available molybdenum, which could better reflect the information of soil fertility evaluation by total data set (TDS). The overall soil fertility in the study area was at the third level, showing the spatial distribution characteristics of high in northwest and low in southeast. Available potassium and available molybdenum were the main limiting factors in the study area. In order to improve soil fertility, it was suggested to increase the proportion of potassium fertilizer and increase the application of trace element fertilizer. The results of this study can provide a reference for soil fertility evaluation and soil fertilization in Huanghuai Plain.


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收稿日期:2023-08-05基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0200107)作者简介:王雨(1997-),女,江苏盐城人,硕士研究生,从事土壤改良与修复研究。(Tel)13770195109;(E-mail)766179290@qq.com通讯作者:钱晓晴,(Tel )13511760701;(E-mail)qianxq@yzu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-18