 GE Jie,YANG Feng,LU Xinjuan,et al.Effect of temperature on flower morphogenesis and pollen viability of garlic[J].,2024,(07):1297-1304.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.07.016]





Effect of temperature on flower morphogenesis and pollen viability of garlic
GE JieYANG FengLU XinjuanZHAO YongqiangLIU CanyuZHANG BiweiYANG QingqingFAN Jide
(Xuzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Xuhuai District of Jiangsu Province,Xuzhou 221121, China)
Allium sativum Linn.temperatureflower bud differentiationmeiosismale gametophyte
为探究温度对大蒜不育机制的影响,本研究以2个薹蒜品种成县汉中蒜及荷兰大蒜NL-3为试验材料,利用压片法和亚历山大染色法,比较常温(平均温度23 ℃)和低温(平均温度17 ℃)下2个大蒜品种花芽分化过程、花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体变异和花粉活力的差异。结果表明,低温处理下,2个大蒜品种的花芽分化进程比常温处理延长9~10 d。不同温度下,2个大蒜品种花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体行为异常比例和成熟花粉活力存在较大差异;低温下,NL-3花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体行为正常的比例和成熟花粉的活力分别由常温下的5.47%和4.01%提升为29.65%和26.17%,差异显著;而低温处理不能显著提升成县汉中蒜花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体行为正常的比例和成熟花粉的活力。总之,不同大蒜品种雄配子体对温度的响应具有显著差异,荷兰大蒜NL-3雄配子体对温度更为敏感,是育性保持和恢复的潜力品种。
In order to explore the effect of temperature on the mechanism of garlic sterility, two garlic cultivars, Chengxianhanzhong garlic and Dutch garlic NL-3, were used as experimental materials in this study. Differences of chromosome variation and pollen viability in the processes of flower bud differentiation and pollen mother cell meiosis of two garlic cultivars under room temperature (average temperature of 23 ℃) and low temperature (average temperature of 17 ℃) were compared by squash technique and Alexander staining method. The results showed that the flower bud differentiation process of the two garlic varieties under low temperature treatment was 9-10 days longer than that under room temperature treatment. At different temperatures, there were significant differences in the proportion of abnormal chromosome behavior and mature pollen viability during the meiosis of pollen mother cells in the two varieties. At low temperature, the proportion of normal chromosome behavior and the activity of mature pollen during meiosis of NL-3 pollen mother cells increased from 5.47% and 4.01% at room temperature to 29.65% and 26.17% respectively, with significant differences. However, low temperature treatment could not significantly increase the proportion of normal chromosome behavior and the activity of mature pollen during meiosis of pollen mother cells in Chengxianhanzhong garlic. In conclusion, the response of male gametophytes of different garlic varieties to temperature is significantly different. The male gametophyte of Dutch garlic NL-3 is more sensitive to temperature and is a potential variety for fertility maintenance and recovery.


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