 SHENG Xiuli,ZHOU Qian,MA Liufeng,et al.Phenotypic traits analysis and establishment of molecular identity card of Xinjiang pomegranate[J].,2024,(06):1098-1110.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.017]





Phenotypic traits analysis and establishment of molecular identity card of Xinjiang pomegranate
SHENG XiuliZHOU QianMA LiufengFANG ZhigangCHEN Yun
(The College of Life and Geographic Sciences, Kashi University/Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Ecology of Pamirs Plateau in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Kashi 844000, China)
Punica granatum Lgenetic diversityphenotypic traitsmolecular identity card
为快速鉴别石榴种质资源,解决石榴“同名异物”、“同物异名”现象,促进新疆石榴产业的发展,本研究在采集新疆石榴主产区24份种质的基础上,分析新疆石榴种质叶片及果实表型性状的变异特征,选择多态性较好的18条引物对石榴种质进行遗传多样性分析及亲缘关系鉴定,并从中选出可将24份石榴种质鉴别出来的核心引物构建新疆石榴的分子身份证。结果表明:新疆石榴的果实、叶片形状变异较大,遗传多样性较为丰富,但仅从表型性状很难将石榴种质进行精准鉴别。18条引物共扩增出240条条带,其中多态性条带199条,占比为82.92%。24份种质的平均等位基因数为1.812 5,有效等位基因数为1.287 0,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.177 0,Shannon’s多样性指数为0.282 0;和田地区石榴种质的Nei’s基因多样性指数及Shannon’s多样性指数高于喀什地区石榴种质。在遗传相似系数为0.85时,24份石榴种质被分为6大类群,且石榴的分类结果与果实风味和地理位置的关联性不大。5条核心引物UBC73、UBC880、UBC810、UBC841、UBC35可实现24份石榴种质的鉴别,以其扩增的电泳图谱所构建的新疆石榴的分子身份证也互不相同,表明24份种质不存在“同名异物”、“同物异名”现象。本研究结果为石榴种质鉴定提供了一种新方法。
In order to quickly identify pomegranate germplasm resources, solve the phenomenon of homonyms and synonyms, and promote the development of pomegranate industry in Xinjiang, this study collected 24 germplasms from the main producing areas of pomegranate in Xinjiang, and analyzed the variation characteristics of phenotypic traits of leaves and fruits of pomegranate in Xinjiang. Eighteen primers with good polymorphism were selected to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of pomegranate germplasms, and the core primers that could identify 24 pomegranate germplasms were selected to construct the molecular identity card of pomegranate in Xinjiang. The results showed that the shape of fruits and leaves of pomegranate in Xinjiang varied greatly, and the genetic diversity was rich, but it was difficult to accurately identify pomegranate germplasms by phenotypic traits. A total of 240 bands were amplified by 18 primers, of which 199 were polymorphic bands, accounting for 82.92%. The average number of alleles of 24 germplasms was 1.812 5, the effective number of alleles was 1.287 0, Nei’s gene diversity index was 0.177 0, and the Shannon’s diversity index was 0.282 0. The Nei’s gene diversity index and Shannon’s diversity index of pomegranate germplasms in Hotan prefecture were higher than those in Kashi prefecture. When the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.85, 24 pomegranate germplasms were divided into six groups, and the classification results of pomegranate were not related to fruit flavor and geographical location. Five core primers (UBC73, UBC880, UBC810, UBC841 and UBC35) could be used to identify 24 pomegranate germplasms. The molecular identity cards of Xinjiang pomegranate constructed by the amplified electrophoresis patterns were also different, indicating that there was no phenomenon of homonyms and synonyms in 24 germplasms. The results of this study provide a new method for the identification of pomegranate germplasms.


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