 TANG Wei-jie,CHEN Hai-yuan,ZHANG Suo-bing,et al.Progress in genetic research on genes related to nitrogen utilization in rice[J].,2024,(03):570-576.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.03.020]





Progress in genetic research on genes related to nitrogen utilization in rice
TANG Wei-jie1CHEN Hai-yuan1ZHANG Suo-bing1TANG Jun1LIN Jing1FANG Xian-wen1ZHANG Yun-hui12
(1.Provincial Key Laboratory of Agrobiology, Institute of Germplasm Resources and Biotechnology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China;2.Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou 225009, China)
ricenitrogen utilization efficiencygene variations
Nitrogen use efficiency (Nue) of rice directly affects rice yield and ecological environment. In the research of rice nitrogen use-related genes, researchers cloned the genes by means of linkage mapping and association mapping, and analyzed the mechanism of rice nitrogen utilization, which provided genetic resources for rice nitrogen efficient utilization breeding. This article summarized the research progress of rice nitrogen utilization related genes in recent years, including QTL mapping and gene cloning of rice nitrogen utilization, cloning of rice nitrogen utilization related genes based on whole genome association analysis, cloning of rice nitrogen utilization related genes using mutants, and cloning of rice nitrogen utilization related genes using reverse genetics. At the same time, the future research in this field was prospected. This paper provides a reference for the research of nitrogen efficient utilization genes and nitrogen efficient utilization breeding in rice.


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