 YANG Ting,WANG Shou-hong,MA Lin-jie,et al.Effects of aerobic composting on physicochemical properties of biochar and the adsorption stability of Cd2+[J].,2024,(01):75-82.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.01.008]





Effects of aerobic composting on physicochemical properties of biochar and the adsorption stability of Cd2+
YANG Ting1WANG Shou-hong1MA Lin-jie1ZHANG Cheng-xin1KOU Xiang-ming1ZHANG Jia-hong12 YANG Jun1YUAN Qin12XU Rong1
(1.Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Lixiahe District in Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225007, China;2.Jiangsu Research & Engineering Center for Ecological Agriculture, Yangzhou 225009, China)
biocharcadmium(Cd2+)compostingadsorption stability
生物炭可作为畜禽粪污好氧堆肥中去除重金属的功能材料,但堆体内部复杂的环境变化会影响生物炭的理化性质,从而影响其对重金属吸附的稳定性。将普通秸秆生物炭(BC)和磁性秸秆生物炭(FBC)置于牛粪中进行30 d好氧堆肥试验,研究两种生物炭基本理化性质及对Cd2+吸附稳定性的影响。结果表明:堆肥处理使BC和FBC的比表面积分别增加20.56%和76.64%,总孔容分别下降2.36%和3.70%,平均孔径分别下降19.17%和46.54%,表面官能团发生变化,FBC的饱和磁化强度下降43.67%。堆肥后,饱和吸附Cd2+的两种生物炭BC和FBC的TCLP提取态Cd(TCLP-Cd)占比和TCLP提取液pH(TCLP-pH)均呈下降趋势,其中TCLP-Cd占比分别从28.31%和22.85%显著下降至26.76%和13.85%(P<0.05),TCLP-pH分别从3.66和3.29显著下降至3.51和3.14。综上,堆肥老化改变了两种生物炭的理化性质,降低了其酸可提取态Cd的含量,提高了其吸附Cd2+的稳定性,且FBC中Cd2+的稳定性更强。
Biochar can be used as a functional material for removing heavy metals in aerobic composting of livestock manure. But the complex environmental changes inside the pile will affect the physical and chemical properties of biochar, thus affecting its adsorption stability of heavy metals. A 30-day aerobic composting experiment was conducted by placing ordinary straw biochar (BC) and magnetic straw biochar (FBC) in cow manure to study the basic physicochemical properties of the two types of biochar and the impact on the adsorption stability of Cd2+.The results showed that composting treatment increased the specific surface area of BC and FBC by 20.56% and 76.64%, respectively, decreased the total pore volume by 2.36% and 3.70%, and decreased the average pore size by 19.17% and 46.54%, respectively. Moreover, the surface functional groups changed, and the saturation magnetization of FBC decreased by 43.67%. After composting, the proportion of TCLP extractable Cd (TCLP-Cd) and the pH of TCLP extraction solution (TCLP-pH)of BC and FBC with saturated adsorption of Cd2+ showed a decreasing trend. The proportion of TCLP-Cd significantly decreased from 28.31% and 22.85% to 26.76% and 13.85%(P<0.05),respectively,and TCLP-pH significantly decreased from 3.66 and 3.29 to 3.51 and 3.14(P<0.05), respectively. In summary, the composting aging changed the physical and chemical properties of BC and FBC, reduced the content of extractable Cd, and improved the stability of Cd2+ adsorption, and the stability of Cd2+ in FBC was better.


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