 FANG Shi-mao,ZHANG Tuo,YANG Ting,et al.Targeted analysis of free amino acid accumulation characteristics of ancient tea trees based on HPLC-FLD[J].,2022,38(04):1070-1077.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2022.04.025]





Targeted analysis of free amino acid accumulation characteristics of ancient tea trees based on HPLC-FLD
FANG Shi-mao1ZHANG Tuo1YANG Ting1TIAN Xiao-qiang2TIAN Hong-jun2LIU Zhong-ying1PAN Ke1
(1.Tea Research Institute, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, China;2.Ecological Tea Development and Technical Guidance Center of Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County, Yanhe 565300, China)
ancient tea treeblack teahigh performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD)free amino acidumami and sweet
Free amino acids are the main substances contributing to the umami of tea infusion. Dried tea processed by black tea processing technique, with fresh leaves of ancient tea trees of arbor type and shrub type show outstanding characteristics in umami, but the accumulation characteristics of free amino acid content in the fresh leaves of ancient tea trees and the dried tea are still unclear. In this study, contents of 18 free amino acids in fresh leaves and dried tea samples from ancient tea trees of arbor type, shrub type and Fudingdabai were targeted and analyzed based on high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) combined with chemometric method. The results showed that, content of theanine was the highest in samples of fresh tea leaves and dried tea leaves, and there were significant differences between the fresh leaves from ancient tea trees of arbor type and shrub type. The content of umami amino acids decreased in dried tea, while the contents of sweet and bitter amino acids varied irregularly. Principal component analysis showed that, the fresh leaf samples clustered significantly according to free amino acid content, while the dried tea showed overlapping or scattered characteristics. There were differences in the accumulation of free amino acids in fresh leaves of different tree types of ancient tea trees, and processing could change free amino acid metabolism to promote quality formation of black tea.


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收稿日期:2021-12-22基金项目:贵州省农业科学院基金项目[黔农科院青年科技基金(2021)29]; 贵州省科技支撑项目[黔科合成果(2021)一般030、黔科合支撑(2020)1Y146]作者简介:方仕茂(1994-),男,贵州铜仁人,硕士,助理研究员,研究方向为茶叶加工。(E-mail)fsm12340@163.com通讯作者:潘科,(E-mail)panke840215@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-09-06