 LAI Chao-yuan,YANG Yue,TAO Cheng-yuan,et al.Effects of replanted banana after rotation of different crops on banana production and soil fertility quality[J].,2018,(02):299-306.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2018.02.011]





Effects of replanted banana after rotation of different crops on banana production and soil fertility quality
LAI Chao-yuan1YANG Yue1TAO Cheng-yuan2WANG Yi-ming1GUO Ji-yang1WANG Bei-bei1RUAN Yun-ze1ZHAO Yan1
(1. Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;2.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
banana crop rotationbanana Fusarium wilt diseaseFusarium oxysporumprincipal component analysismultiple regression tree analysis
以香蕉连作(B)、辣椒-香蕉轮作(B-PE)、甘蔗-香蕉轮作(B-S)、冬瓜-香蕉轮作(B-W)和南瓜-香蕉轮作(B-PU)5个系统为对象, 研究了海南岛北部不同作物轮作后对再植香蕉产量、品质、发病率和土壤肥力质量等方面的影响。结果表明:(1)与香蕉连作对照B相比, 轮作辣椒、甘蔗和冬瓜后再植香蕉(B-PE、B-S、B-W)均能显著降低香蕉枯萎病发病率(枯萎病防控率达到 66.62%~75.41%),促进香蕉生长(株高增加 36.76%~41.80%,茎围增加 28.22%~38.42%),产量提高 23.17%~45.61%;(2)相关性分析结果显示各处理土壤的pH值、速效磷含量和可培养细菌数量均与可培养尖孢镰刀菌数量呈显著负相关关系;(3) 主坐标分析(PCoA)和多元回归树分析(MRT)结果均显示, 轮作辣椒、甘蔗和冬瓜后再植香蕉(B-PE、B-S、B-W)处理间的土壤肥力质量相近, 轮作南瓜后再植香蕉(B-PU)处理和香蕉连作处理的土壤肥力质量相近。可见, 辣椒-香蕉、甘蔗-香蕉和冬瓜-香蕉轮作处理(B-PE、B-S、B-W)均能提高香蕉产量, 改善土壤肥力质量, 对香蕉连作障碍有缓解作用。
In this experiment, the banana continuous cropping treatment was set as control (B), and the other treatments were banana-pepper rotation (B-PE), banana-sugarcane rotation (B-S), banana-wax gourd rotation (B-W) and banana-pumpkin rotation (B-PU). The incidence and fertility quality of soil were measured during the bud extraction stage of banana. The plant growth index and fruit quality index were measured during the harvest stage. The results showed that, compared with that in the banana continuous cropping treatment (B), the incidence of banana Fusarium wilt disease was significantly reduced in banana-pepper, banana-sugarcane and banana-wax gourd rotation treatments,and the control rate ranged from 66.62% to 75.35%. These three treatments significantly promoted the growth of bananas. Compared with the control(B), their plant height increased by 36.76%-41.80%, stem girth increased by 28.22%-38.42%, and yield increased by 23.17%-45.61%. The correlation analysis results showed that the quantity of culturable bacteria, available phosphorus content and pH value were negatively correlated with the quantity of culturable Fusarium oxysporum. The principal component analysis (PCoA) and multiple regression tree analysis (MRT) showed that the distribution of banana continuous cropping (B) and banana-pumpkin rotation treatment (B-PU) was similar in soil fertility quality, pepper-banana, sugarcane-banana and wax gourd-banana rotation treatments(B-PE, B-S, B-W) were similar in soil fertility quality after tillage. Therefore, banana-pepper, banana-sugarcane and banana-wax gourd rotation treatments (B-PE, B-S and B-W) can significantly increase the yield of fruit, improve the soil fertility quality and alleviate the continuous cropping obstacles of banana.


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收稿日期:2017-12-21 基金项目:海南大学青年基金项目(hdkyxj201713);海南耕地改良关键技术研究与示范专项(HNGDg1201502);国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”计划项目(2015CB1505030);国家自然科学基金项目(31372142、31760605、31672239) 作者简介:赖朝圆(1993-) , 女, 海南万宁人, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为土壤微生物区系分析及健康土壤微生物区系构建。(E-mail)271947900@qq.com 通讯作者:赵艳, (E-mail)yanbo315@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-05-04