 FENG Jiao,WANG Wu,HOU Xu-dong,et al.Underlying mechanism of GA3 and CPPU inhibiting grape fruit russet discovered based on transcriptome sequencing[J].,2017,(04):895-903.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2017.04.026]





Underlying mechanism of GA3 and CPPU inhibiting grape fruit russet discovered based on transcriptome sequencing
FENG JiaoWANG WuHOU Xu-dongTAO Jian-min
(College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Shine Muscatberry reddish-brown blotchestranscriptome sequencingmetabolism pathwaydifferently expressed genesGA3CPPU
为探究GA3(赤霉素)和CPPU[N-(2-氯-4-吡啶基)-N′-苯基脲]抑制葡萄果锈生成的内在机理,以阳光玫瑰葡萄为试验材料,在盛花期用25 mg/L GA3处理花穗,花后2周用25 mg/L GA3+10 mg/L CPPU再次处理花穗,以清水处理作为对照,取果锈生成关键期的2个葡萄果皮样品,应用Illumina RNA-Seq测序系统进行转录组分析。共获得55 314 986条有效数据和2 373个差异基因,GO功能注释到细胞组分、分子功能及生物学过程3个大类30个功能组,大量基因富集于碳水化合物代谢、生物合成等生物学过程。KEGG代谢通路分析结果显示将1 186个差异表达基因注释到126条代谢通路,富集于“代谢途径”与“苯丙烷合成”代谢通路。通过qRT-PCR方法对筛选的9个差异表达基因进行验证,荧光定量结果与测序结果相符。研究结果说明GA3和CPPU处理减少葡萄果锈的产生主要与苯丙烷合成及类黄酮代谢相关,GA3和CPPU显著抑制苯丙烷及类黄酮合成相关基因表达,进而降低了果锈生成路径中相关酶的活性,减少了果锈生成相关次生代谢物的产生,抑制葡萄果锈的生成。
To probe into the mechanism of GA3(gibberellin A3) and CPPU(forchlorfenuron) inhibiting the tiny reddish-brown blotches on the surface of grape berries, the floral clusters of Shine Muscat grape was treated with 25 mg/L GA3 at full blossom, and 25 mg/L GA3 combined with 10 mg/L CPPU 2 weeks after full blossom. Water treatment was set as control. Two pericarp samples at critical period for fruit russet-genesis were subjected to transcriptome sequencing using Illumina RNA-Seq system. Approximately 55 314 986 clean data and 1 186 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified. Gene oncology(GO) functions annotated to 30 functional groups belonging to three categories: cell components, molecular functions, and biological processes. A large amount of genes were enriched in the biological processes ‘carbohydrate metabolism’ and ‘biosynthesis’. Analysis of KEGG metabolic pathways demonstrated that most enriched EDGs were associated with ‘metabolic pathway’ and ‘phenylpropanoid synthesis’ out of 126 total pathways. QRT-PCR assay results for 9 selected DEGs showed that the expression levels of 9 genes were consistent with the data obtained by RNA-seq. It was indicated that GA3 and CPPU treatment might have inhibited the gene expression and enzyme activity of ‘phenylpropanoid biosynthesis’ and ‘flavonoid metabolism’ pathways which in turn reduced the production of secondary metabolites, the precursors of reddish-brown blotches, thereby inhibiting the skin browning of grape fruits.


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收稿日期:2017-04-06 基金项目:国家现代农业葡萄产业技术体系项目(CARS-30); 国家“948”重点项目(2016-X19);江苏省科技厅设施条件下葡萄高效栽培新技术研究与应用项目(BE2014326) 作者简介:冯娇(1992-),女,山西运城人,硕士,主要从事果树生理与分子技术研究。(E-mail)478710492@qq.com 通讯作者:陶建敏,(E-mail)tjm266@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-09-01