 YANG Jianbang,YAO Wenkong,YANG Li,et al.The content and accumulation characteristics of melatonin in Lycium barbarum[J].,2025,(01):169-174.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2025.01.019]





The content and accumulation characteristics of melatonin in Lycium barbarum
YANG Jianbang1YAO Wenkong12YANG Li1FENG Mei12
(1.School of Enology and Horticulture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China;2.Ningxia Modern Facility Horticulture Engineering Technology Research Center, Yinchuan 750021, China)
Lycium barbarum L.melatoninaccumulating characteristicssalt stressfruit development
To explore the content and accumulation characteristics of melatonin in Lycium barbarum, six Lycium barbarum materials in Ningxia were used, and the content of melatonin was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The melatonin content in different organs of Lycium barbarum, at different developmental stages of the fruits, at different maturity stages, in different materials and under different site conditions was analyzed. Moreover, the relationship between soil physical and chemical factors and the melatonin content in different organs of Lycium barbarum was analyzed. The results showed that there were some differences in the content of melatonin in different organs of Lycium barbarum, and the content of melatonin usually followed the order of flower > leaf > stem > root. Melatonin was detected in spring fruits at green fruit stage and discoloration stage, and melatonin was not detected in fruits at yellow ripening stage and red ripening stage. Melatonin was detected in autumn fruits at different developmental stages. Melatonin content was highest in fruits at the green fruit stage. Subsequently, as the fruits developed, the melatonin content in the fruits gradually declined, and then increased again when the fruits ripened. The content of melatonin in each organ of Ningqicai No.1 was significantly higher than that of Ningqi No.1. In the leaves of different materials, the melatonin content followed the order of Ningqicai No.1 > Ningqi No.7 > Huangguo wolfberry > Heiguo wolfberry > Ningqi No.10 > Ningqi No.1. Under high-salt conditions, the content of melatonin in each organ of Lycium barbarum increased significantly. The above results indicated that Lycium barbarum was rich in melatonin. For the same Lycium barbarum material, the order of melatonin content in each organ was flower > leaf > stem > root. Melatonin content was higher in the green fruit period and discoloration period during fruit development. The melatonin content of each organ in autumn fruits was higher than that in spring fruits. Lycium barbarum in high salt environment was conducive to the accumulation of melatonin.


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