 XING Xiao-yi,YIN Dan-hong,ZHANG Ya-li,et al.Research progress of the effect of biochar on distribution and phosphorus transformation of soil phosphorus-solubilizing microorganism[J].,2023,(08):1784-1792.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.08.019]





Research progress of the effect of biochar on distribution and phosphorus transformation of soil phosphorus-solubilizing microorganism
XING Xiao-yi1YIN Dan-hong12ZHANG Ya-li1QING Ru-bing1NI Fei1
(1.Department of Agroforestry Ecology, Shaoyang College, Shaoyang 422000, China;2.School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China)
biocharphosphorus-solubilizing microorganismagricultural soilphosphate-solubilizing effect
Phosphorus (P) deficiency exists widely in agricultural soils of China. However, the utilization rate of P fertilizer was low due to the P fertilizer was easily fixed by soil particles, so there retained a lot of fixed P. Activating soil phosphorus-solubilizing microorganism (PSM) was the key way to resolve the contradiction between available P deficiency and excess accumulation of fixed P in agricultural soils. In recent years, a series of research progresses about the influences of biochar application on the community structure of soil PSM have been made. This article comprehensively summarized the effects of biochar application on the population, community composition, diversity and community interaction, as well as soil phosphatase activity of soil PSM. Finally, the limitations of the current research on the correlation between biochar application and PSM were analyzed, and the future research was discussed. The study can provide theoretical basis and application basis for scientific application of biochar and activation of soil phosphorus pool.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-15