 ZHU Feng,ZHANG Yan,YI Hong-juan,et al.Discussion on growth and decline trends of rice sheath blight in different disease starting periods and its optimum control period[J].,2020,(01):63-69.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2020.01.009]





Discussion on growth and decline trends of rice sheath blight in different disease starting periods and its optimum control period
ZHU Feng1ZHANG Yan2YI Hong-juan3TIAN Zi-hua1
(1.Plant Protection and Quarantine Station of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210036, China;2.Jinxin Sub-District Office of Tongzhou, Nantong 226300, China;3.Plant Protection and Quarantine Station of Tongzhou, Nantong 226300, China)
水稻纹枯病 始病期消长动态防治适期
rice sheath blightdisease starting periodgrowth and decline trendsoptimum control period
为探明不同始病期水稻纹枯病发生规律及不同时期施药对水稻纹枯病的控制效果,2018年在江苏沿江稻区,分别系统调查分蘖期和拔节孕穗期始发的病株率和病情指数后进行病情消长动态分析,并分别进行田间药效试验,移栽后7 d施用8%噻呋·嘧菌酯(3 000 g/hm2),病穴率达20%及破口期施用240 g/L噻呋酰胺悬浮剂(300 ml/hm2)。结果表明:分蘖期、拔节孕穗期始发病发病高峰的病株率分别为83.56%、75.56%,病情指数分别为32.67、36.19,病害停止期病株率分别为44.00%、51.67%,病情指数分别为 25.24、28.26,Logistic 函数分析得出病株率盛发历期分别为17.85 d、12.30 d,病情指数盛发历期分别为14.13 d、12.96 d。移栽后7 d施药,发病高峰病株率和病情指数分别为12.69%和6.91,病害停止期病株率和病情指数分别为6.67%和4.02,Logistic 函数分析得出病株率和病情指数盛发历期分别为11.50 d和17.43 d,病害控制效果明显;病穴率达20%及破口期施药,发病高峰病株率和病情指数分别为44.59%和12.00,病害停止期病株率和病情指数分别为11.33%和3.78,Logistic 函数分析得出病株率和病情指数盛发历时分别为23.78 d和21.94 d,第1次药后对病害控制效果较差,需在破口期再次施药。可见,在相同年份与地域,始病期早迟对水稻纹枯病最终发生程度影响不大;发病前施用8%噻呋·嘧菌酯对病害控制效果优良,水稻纹枯病防治适期可提前。
In order to investigate the occurrence regularity in different disease starting periods (DSP) and the control efficacy of fungicide application in different periods on rice sheath blight (RSB), the diseased plant rate (DPR) and disease index (DI) of RSB with the DSP at tillering period (TP) and jointing-booting period (JBP) had been systematically investigated in Yangtze River rice planting region, Jiangsu province in 2018, respectively, and then the growth and decline trends of RSB had been analyzed. In addition, the field control tests had been conducted with applying 8% thifluzamide·azoxystrobin (3 000 g/hm2) after transplanting for seven days and applying 240 g/L thifluzamide suspension concentrate (SC) at rates of 300 ml/hm2 when the diseased hole rate reached 20% and at the rupturing period. The results showed that the peak values of DPR with the DSP at TP and JBP were 83.56% and 75.56%, and those of the DI were 32.67 and 36.19, respectively. Furthermore, the diseased plant rates with the DSP at TP and JBP in disease stopping period were 44.00% and 51.67%, and the disease indices were 25.24 and 28.26, respectively. According to the analysis results of logistic function, the peak incidence periods for DPR with the DSP at TP and JBP were calculated as 17.85 d and 12.30 d, and the peak incidence periods for DI were calculated as 14.13 d and 12.96 d, respectively. Application of 8% thifluzamide·azoxystrobin after transplanting for seven days provided obvious control efficacy on RSB, and the peak values of DPR and DI were 12.69% and 6.91, the DPR and DI in disease stopping period were 6.67% and 4.02, and the peak incidence periods for DPR and DI of Logistic function were calculated as 11.50 d and 17.43 d, respectively. Application of 240 g/L thifluzamide SC when the diseased hole rate reached 20% and at the rupturing period provided weak control effect after the first application, and the peak values of DPR and DI were 44.59% and 12.00, the DPR and DI in disease stopping period were 11.33% and 3.78, the peak incidence periods for DPR and DI of logistic function were calculated as 23.78 d and 21.94 d, respectively, and the second application at the rupturing period was needed for effectively control on RSB. In conclusion, the early or late DSP has little effect on the final occurring degree of RSB under the same conditions of year and region, and the application 8% thifluzamide·azoxystrobin before the DSP of RSB provides excellent control efficacy, and the optimum control period of RSB can be shifted earlier.


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收稿日期:2019-07-07基金项目:江苏省农业三新工程项目[JATS(2019)329]; 江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目[CX(18)1003]; 江苏省重点研发计划(现代农业)项目(BE2017366-03); 现代农业重点及面上项目(SBE2018310278);江苏省第五期“333”工程项目(BRA2019314);江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目(NY-088)作者简介:朱凤(1979-),女,江苏宝应人,推广研究员,主要从事水稻病虫害测报及防治指导工作。(E-mail) 59649
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-03-13