 LU Xizhan,ZHU Haibin,ZHANG Kaiwei,et al.Effects of one-time base application with reduced amount of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and density increase on yield, quality and economic benefits of mechanized-transplanting japonica rice[J].,2024,(08):1400-1411.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.08.005]





Effects of one-time base application with reduced amount of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and density increase on yield, quality and economic benefits of mechanized-transplanting japonica rice
LU XizhanZHU HaibinZHANG KaiweiXU FangfuZHU YingLI GuangyanLIU GuodongWEI HaiyanHU QunZHANG Hongcheng
(Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Jiangsu Industrial Engineering Research Center of High Quality Japonica Rice, Yangzhou 225009, China)
japonica ricecontrolled-release fertilizernitrogen reduction and density increaseyieldqualityeconomic benefits
为探究控释氮肥一次性减量基施及密植对机插粳稻产量、品质和经济效益的影响,明确最优氮肥和栽插密度组合处理,以南粳5718为供试材料,在施用225 kg/hm2纯氮条件下,将3种控释期(60 d、80 d、100 d)的控释肥和3个栽插密度(每穴栽插苗数分别为6、8、10)进行组合,共设置9种组合方式,并设置对照(CK)为300 kg/hm2纯氮施用量+每穴栽插苗数为4+常规分次施肥,调查产量及其形成特征、稻米品质和经济效益的差异。结果表明,2021、2022年各减氮处理中产量最高的均为80-6处理,较其他减氮处理产量显著提高,较CK产量显著降低4.77%~5.17%。拔节期至抽穗期,80-6处理的干物质积累量与其他减氮处理相比总体增加。在稻米品质指标方面,各减氮处理的垩白粒率、垩白度较CK降低,营养品质(蛋白质含量)显著降低,但在外观品质、食味品质方面均得到显著改善。在经济效益方面,80-6处理实现了2021、2022年控释肥一次性基施下的最高经济效益,经济效益较CK增加3.60%~5.28%。因此认为,80-6处理在减氮和保证稳产的前提下,可以提升稻米品质,同时能够获得较高经济效益,可作为机插粳稻丰产优质高效协同的一次性减氮施肥处理的氮肥和栽插密度组合。
This study aimed to investigate the effects of one-time base application with reduced amount of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and increased density on the yield, quality and economic benefits of mechanized-transplanting japonica rice, thereby clarifying the optimal combination of nitrogen fertilizer and planting density. In the study, a japonica rice cultivar-Nanjing 5718 was selected as the test material. And nine combinations with three controlled-release periods (60 days, 80 days and 100 days) of controlled-release fertilizer and three planting densities (six seedlings per hole, eight seedlings per hole and ten seedlings per hole) were set up under 225 kg/hm2 pure nitrogen, while the conventional split fertilization treatment with 300 kg/hm2 pure nitrogen and a planting density of four seedlings per hole was installed as the control (CK). The differences in yields and their formation characteristics, rice quality, and economic benefits were investigated. The results showed that the yield of 80-6 treatment was the highest in all nitrogen reduction treatments in 2021 and 2022, which was significantly higher than that of other nitrogen reduction treatments, and the yield was significantly reduced by 4.77%-5.17% compared with CK. From jointing stage to heading stage, the dry matter accumulation of 80-6 treatment was generally increased compared with other nitrogen reduction treatments. In terms of rice quality, the chalky grain rate and chalkiness degree of each nitrogen reduction treatment were lower than those of CK, and the nutritional quality (protein content) was significantly reduced, but the appearance quality and taste quality were significantly improved. In terms of economic benefits, the 80-6 treatment achieved the highest economic benefits under the one-time basal application of controlled-release fertilizer in 2021 and 2022, and the economic benefits increased by 3.60%-5.28% compared with CK. Therefore, 80-6 treatment can improve rice quality and obtain higher economic benefits under the premise of reducing nitrogen and ensuring stable yield. It can be used as a combination of nitrogen fertilizer and planting density for one-time nitrogen reduction fertilization treatment with high yield, high quality and high efficiency of mechanically transplanted japonica rice.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-18