 ZHAO Zheng,WANG Chengyu,MI Yangchen,et al.Mechanism of the effect of straw returning on soil moisture[J].,2024,(05):835-845.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.05.008]





Mechanism of the effect of straw returning on soil moisture
ZHAO Zheng1WANG Chengyu1MI Yangchen1HAN Hua1FENG Qiuping1GAO Yunhang2LIU Shuxia1
(1.College of Resources and Environment of Jilin Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources of Commodity Grain Base of Jilin Province, Changchun 130118, China;2.College of Animal Science and Technology of Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China)
straw returningsoil moisturemechanismcorrelation analysis
为了探究不同秸秆还田方式对土壤水分的影响, 并揭示秸秆还田方式对土壤水分的影响机理, 本研究设置对照(CK)与6种处理[秸秆翻埋还田(SB)、秸秆轮耕还田(SRT)、秸秆碎混还田(SC)、秸秆覆盖还田(SM)、秸秆留高茬还田(SHS)、秸秆条带还田(SS)], 开展室内室外分析和定位试验, 测定土壤水分指标并进行相关性分析。结果表明, 秸秆还田可以提高土壤的蓄水和供水能力, 具体表现为土壤的含水量、饱和持水量、最大分子含水量、比水容量的提高, 与对照相比SB处理效果最好;秸秆还田可以增强土壤中水分的运动能力, 提高土壤中可被植物利用的水分含量, 具体表现为土壤田间最小持水量、毛管持水量、自由水含量、有效水含量的提高;秸秆还田可以提高土壤有机质含量, 降低容重, 提高黏粒含量, 增大土壤总孔隙占比、大孔隙占比、中孔隙占比, 提高土壤水分的有效性, 与对照相比SB处理效果最好;土壤有机质含量、土壤黏粒含量、土壤总孔隙占比、大孔隙占比、中孔隙占比、土壤团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)与土壤饱和持水量、田间最小持水量、萎蔫系数、水力传导度呈显著或极显著正相关;土壤团聚体破坏率(PAD)、不稳定团粒指数(ELT)与土壤饱和持水量、自由水含量、萎蔫系数、最大分子含水量呈显著或极显著负相关。结合秸秆还田对土壤水分特性的影响和相关性分析结果, 可以得出秸秆还田对土壤水分影响的作用机制:秸秆在土壤中被分解后, 土壤有机质含量增高, 容重降低, 大大增加了土壤颗粒的比表面积, 土壤中黏粒含量增多, 总孔隙、大孔隙、中孔隙的占比提高, 土壤结构得到了优化, 综合提高了土壤的蓄水和供水能力, 促进了土壤对水分的吸收和利用。综合来看, 秸秆翻埋还田方式适合中国东北地区, 本研究结果为农民选择合适的秸秆还田方式提供了科学指导。
To investigate the effects of different straw returning methods on soil moisture and to reveal the mechanism of the effects of straw returning methods on soil moisture, control (CK) and six treatments were set up in this study. The six treatments were straw burying and returning (SB), straw rotational tillage and returning (SRT), straw chopping and mixing and returning (SC), straw mulching and returning (SM), straw returning and leaving high stubble (SHS) and straw strip returning (SS), respectively. Indoor and outdoor analyses and location experiments were performed to measure the soil moisture indices and to analyze the correlation between the two methods. The results showed that straw returning could improve the water storage and supply capacity of the soil, which was specifically manifested as the increase of soil water content, saturated water holding capacity, maximum molecular water content, specific water capacity value, and the SB treatment showed the best effect compared with the control. Besides, straw returning could enhance the movement ability of the water in the soil and increase the content of water in the soil that could be utilized by plants, which was specifically manifested as the increase of the minimum water holding capacity of the field soil, capillary water content, free water content and effective water content. Furthermore, straw returning could increase soil organic matter content, reduce the volumetric weight, increase the content of clay particles, improve the proportions of total soil pores, large soil pores and medium soil pores and could improve the effectiveness of soil water, and the SB treatment showed the best effect compared with the control. Soil organic matter content, soil clay particles content and the proportions of total soil pores, large soil pores and medium soil pores, mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates, geometric mean diameter (GMD) of soil aggregates showed significantly or highly significantly positive correlation with soil saturated water-holding capacity, field minimum water-holding capacity, coefficient of wilting, and hydraulic conductivity. Percentage of aggregate disruption (PAD) and unstable aggregate index (ELT) showed significantly or highly significantly negative correlation with soil saturated water holding capacity, free water content, wilting coefficient, and maximum molecular water content. Combined with the results such as the influence of straw returning on soil moisture characteristics and correlation analysis, the mechanism of the effect of straw returning on soil moisture can be concluded as follows: after the straws were decomposed in the soils, the soil organic matter content increased, the volumetric weight decreased, the specific surface area of soil particles increased greatly, the content of clay particles in the soil increased, the percentages of total soil pores, large soil pores and medium soil pores increased, the soil structure was optimized, the soil’s abilities of storing water and supplying water were comprehensively improved, and the soil’s abilities of water absorption and utilization were strengthened. In conclusion, the method of straw burying is suitable for lands in Northeast China, and the results in this study can provide scientific guidance for farmers to choose appropriate method of straw returning.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-13