 WANG Zhanjun,WANG Hongyan,YANG Yanping,et al.Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of HSP70 gene family in Vernicia fordii[J].,2024,(05):806-816.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.05.005]





Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of HSP70 gene family in Vernicia fordii
WANG Zhanjun12WANG Hongyan1YANG Yanping1YE Qingfang1WANG Shuwen1WANG Zhaoxia1ZHANG Yi2ZHANG Xie2
(1.School of Biology and Food Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230601, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Utilization of Woody Oil Resource,Hunan Academy of Forestry, Changsha 410004, China)
Vernicia fordiiHSP70gene familybioinformatics
为探究油桐HSP70基因的功能和进化关系,本研究对HSP70基因家族成员进行了生物信息学鉴定和分析,包括理化性质、进化关系、基因结构、保守基序及染色体定位。同时分析了HSP70基因家族成员在不同组织中的表达差异。结果表明,油桐HSP70基因家族包含24个家族成员,24个HSP70蛋白的理论等电点为4.57~8.70,且大部分属于稳定的、亲水性蛋白质,系统进化树分析结果表明HSP70家族成员分为5个聚类,油桐与毛果杨亲缘关系较近。24个VfHSP70蛋白氨基酸序列都包含HSP70保守结构域。22条HSP70基因分布在10条染色体上。分析不同时空的VfHSP70基因的表达量发现,VfHSP70-5在开花前30 d、开花前25 d、开花前10 d的花蕾中表达量均较高。VfHSP70-4在油桐根、茎、叶和种子中均有较高表达量。以上结果表明,VfHSP70基因可能在调控油桐生长发育中具有重要作用。
In order to investigate the function and evolution of HSP70 gene in Vernicia fordii, the members of HSP70 gene family were identified and analyzed by bioinformatics, including physical and chemical properties, evolutionary relationships, gene structure, conserved motifs and chromosomal localization. The expression differences of HSP70 gene family members in different tissues were also analyzed. The results showed that the HSP70 gene family of Vernicia fordii contained 24 members, and the theoretical isoelectric points of 24 HSP70 proteins ranged from 4.57 to 8.70. Most of HSP70 proteins were stable and hydrophilic proteins. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that HSP70 family members were divided into five clusters, and Vernicia fordii was closely related to Populus trichocarpa. The amino acid sequences of 24 VfHSP70 proteins contained the conserved domain of HSP70. Twenty-two HSP70 genes were distributed on 10 chromosomes. By analyzing the expression of VfHSP70 gene in different time and space, it was found that the expression levels of VfHSP70-5 were higher in buds at 30 d before anthesis, 25 d before anthesis and 10 d before anthesis. VfHSP70-4 was highly expressed in roots, stems, leaves and seeds of Vernicia fordii. These results suggest that VfHSP70 gene may play an important role in regulating the growth and development of Vernicia fordii.


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收稿日期:2024-02-05基金项目:省部共建木本油料资源利用国家重点实验室开放课题(GZKF202103、GZKF202203);安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划项目(gxyq2020040);安徽省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202414098204、S202414098205);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202414098077)作者简介:王占军(1984-),男,安徽寿县人,博士研究生,主要从事植物细胞分子生物学研究。(E-mail)wangzhanjunhxj@163.com。汪虹妍为共同第一作者。通讯作者:张勰,( E-mail )zhangxiei3@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-13