 YU Yajie,CAO Penghui,SONG Yunsheng,et al.Distribution and resistant effects of blast resistant genes (Pi2, Pita, Pib) in japonica rice in Taihu area of Jiangsu province[J].,2024,(05):769-776.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.05.001]





Distribution and resistant effects of blast resistant genes (Pi2, Pita, Pib) in japonica rice in Taihu area of Jiangsu province
YU YajieCAO PenghuiSONG YunshengCHEN FeiQIAO ZhongyingDONG MinghuiZHU YongliangXIE YulinYUAN Caiyong
(Jiangsu Taihu Area Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Suzhou 215104, China)
rice blastpenta-primer amplification refractory mutation system (PARMS) technologyresistance genesdisease-resistance breeding
为分析稻瘟病抗性基因Pi2、Pita、Pib在江苏太湖地区粳稻稻瘟病抗性育种中的作用,利用五引物扩增受阻突变体系(PARMS)检测技术,检测水稻稻瘟病抗性基因Pi2、Pita、Pib在江苏太湖地区农业科学研究所筛选培育的799份高世代稳定试验材料中的分布情况,并结合穗颈瘟人工接种鉴定结果分析基因型与抗性的关系。结果表明,在799份供试水稻品种中,以抗性基因 Pib的分布频率最高,抗性基因 Pita的分布频率也相对较高,抗性基因 Pi2分布频率较低,多数材料携带2个抗性基因;在抗性基因组合中,Pita+Pib组合检出率较高,为44.81%(358/799)。田间抗病性鉴定结果表明,当供试材料中只存在单一抗病基因时,中抗级别以上材料占比为33.60%(86/256),当供试材料中存在复合基因型时,中抗级别以上材料占比为61.02%(299/490),表明抗性基因共存可以有效增强植株对稻瘟病的抗性。本研究结果为江苏太湖地区粳稻稻瘟病抗性基因聚合育种的选择提供了理论支持。
In order to analyze the role of rice blast resistance genes Pi2, Pita and Pib in japonica rice blast resistance breeding in areas of Taihu area of Jiangsu province, penta-primer amplification refractory mutation system (PARMS) detecting technology was used to detect the distribution of rice blast resistance genes Pi2, Pita and Pib in 799 high generation stable test materials screened and bred by Jiangsu Taihu Area Institute of Agricultural Sciences, and to analyze the relationship between genotype and resistance in combination with the results of artificial inoculation and identification of seedling blast and neck panicle blast. The results showed that among the 799 test materials, most of them carried two resistance genes,the distribution frequency of resistance gene Pib was the highest, the distribution frequency of resistance gene Pita was high, and the distribution frequency of resistance gene Pi2 was low. In the resistance gene combination, the detection rate of Pita+Pib combination was relatively high, which was 44.81% (358/799). The results of field disease resistance identification showed that when there was only one single disease resistance gene in the test materials, materials with medium resistance or above accounted for 33.60% (86/256). When there were composite genotypes in the test materials, materials with medium resistance or above accounted for 61.02% (299/490), indicating that the coexistence of resistance genes could effectively enhance the resistance to rice blast. The results provide theoretical support for the selection of japonica rice blast resistance gene polymerization breeding in the Taihu region of Jiangsu province.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-13