 LI Qi-sheng,GU Da-lu,DONG Qing-jun,et al.Comprehensive evaluation of the effect of mushroom residue compost compound substrate on the growth of cucumber plug seedling[J].,2023,(06):1395-1402.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.06.016]





Comprehensive evaluation of the effect of mushroom residue compost compound substrate on the growth of cucumber plug seedling
LI Qi-sheng1GU Da-lu1DONG Qing-jun1YIN Xiao-dong1YANG Wen-fei1DU Xiao-feng1 WEN Ting-gang1JIA Yan-yan1YANG Wei2XU Yong-gang2
(1.Huaiyin Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Xuhuai Region in Jiangsu, Huaian 223001, China;2.Huaiyin Normal University, Huaian 223300, China)
mushroom residue compostsubstratescucumberplug seedling
In order to reduce the exploitation of peat and improve the utilization rate of mushroom residue resources, the feasibility of mushroom residue compost as seedling substrate was explored. In this experiment, fermented mushroom residue compost was used as main material, and different volumes of cow dung compost, peat and vermiculite were added to make the compound substrates. The cucumber variety 0159 was used as the experimental material to study the application effect of each compound substrate in cucumber seedling. The results showed that compared with CK1 (peat substrate) and CK2 (commercial substrate), the contents of total nutrients and available nutrients of mushroom residue compost compound substrates (T1-T6) were significantly increased. Compared with CK2, the bulk density and air-water ratio of T6 substrate increased significantly. Compared with CK1, T6 substrate significantly increased plant height, stem diameter, leaf length, leaf width, underground dry weight and root-shoot ratio of cucumber seedlings. The comprehensive evaluation index of cucumber seedlings cultured in T6 substrate was higher than that of the control and other substrates. The plant height, leaf length and leaf width of cucumber seedlings were positively correlated with the bulk density of the substrate, and negatively correlated with the total porosity of the substrate. The relative chlorophyll content of seedlings was negatively correlated with the conductivity and the content of available phosphorus of substrate. To sum up, the compound substrate of mushroom residue compost had good physical and chemical properties and promoted the growth of cucumber seedlings. Especially, T6 substrate (30% mushroom residue compost+20% cow dung compost+30% peat+20% vermiculite) had better effect, which could be used as the compound substrate for cucumber seedlings.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-11-17