 HU Zhong-ze,YI Zheng-wei,YANG Da-liu,et al.Effects of nitrogen reduction and peanut straw returning on ammonia volatilization, nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield in wheat field[J].,2022,38(06):1492-1499.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2022.06.006]





Effects of nitrogen reduction and peanut straw returning on ammonia volatilization, nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield in wheat field
HU Zhong-ze1YI Zheng-wei1YANG Da-liu1WANG An1CHEN Liu-gen2ZHANG Yue-fang2WANG Xian1
(1.Taizhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taizhou 225300, China;2.Key Lab of Agro-environment in Downstream of Yangtze Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
ammonia volatilizationnitrogen use efficiencywheatyieldnitrogen reductionstraw returning
氮肥减施与秸秆还田是现阶段广泛采用的农业措施,但其对农田环境和作物产量的综合影响尚不清楚。通过设置大田试验,研究2种花生秸秆还田方式(秸秆还田、不还田)和4种施氮水平[常规施氮(施氮量为240 kg/hm2)、氮肥减量20%(施氮量为192 kg/hm2)、氮肥减量40%(施氮量为144 kg/hm2)、不施氮肥]对麦田土壤中氨挥发损失、氮肥利用率以及产量的影响。结果表明,麦季主要是在施肥后2 周内监测到明显的氨挥发现象,麦田土壤中氨挥发日通量的峰值均在施肥后的第2 d 出现。在不同处理下,麦季氨总挥发量为10.77~29.79 kg/hm2;与常规施氮处理相比,氮肥减量20%处理使氨总挥发量降低23.60%~24.08%,氮肥减量40%处理使氨总挥发量降低43.24%~44.51%;秸秆还田对氨挥发的影响不大。结果还表明,不同处理的氮肥利用率为29.07%~48.96%,与常规施氮处理相比,氮肥减量20%处理使氮肥利用率降低6.10%~13.73%,氮肥减量40%处理使氮肥利用率降低23.94%~24.20%;与秸秆不还田处理相比,秸秆还田处理使氮肥的平均利用率提高了6.23~10.61个百分点。不同处理的小麦产量为3.49~7.95 t/hm2,且小麦产量随着施氮量的减少而显著降低,但氮肥减量20%并配合秸秆还田处理的产量与秸秆不还田常规施氮量处理间的差异不大,与秸秆不还田处理相比,秸秆还田处理平均增产7.66%。由此可见,合理的氮肥用量及秸秆还田能够兼顾农田环境和作物产量,与秸秆不还田常规施氮处理(240 kg/hm2)相比,秸秆还田并配合麦季化学氮肥减量20%处理可以在获得小麦高产的同时提高氮肥利用率并减少麦田土壤中氨的挥发量。
Nitrogen fertilizer reduction and straw returning are commonly used measures in crop production, but their comprehensive impact on the environment and yield is not clear. A field experiment was conducted in Taizhou, Jiangsu province, to study the effects of two peanut straw returning methods (straw returning and no straw returning) and four nitrogen (N) application levels (conventional N application, 240 kg/hm2; N reduction by 20%, 192 kg/hm2; N reduction by 40%, 144 kg/hm2 and no N application, 0 kg/hm2) on ammonia volatilization loss, nitrogen use efficiency and wheat yield. The results showed that in wheat season, obvious ammonia volatilization was detected within two weeks after fertilization, and the daily flux peak of ammonia volatilization appeared on the second day after fertilization. The total amount of ammonia volatilization loss in different treatments ranged from 10.77 kg/hm2 to 29.79 kg/hm2. Compared with conventional N application treatment, the total amount of ammonia volatilization reduced by 23.60%-24.08% under the treatment of N reduction by 20%, and decreased by 43.24%-44.51% under the treatment of N reduction by 40%. Straw incorporation had little effect on ammonia volatilization. The N use efficiency in different treatments ranged from 29.07% to 48.96%. Compared with the conventional N application treatment, the N use efficiency was reduced by 6.10%-13.73% and 23.94%-24.20% under the treatment of N reduction by 20 % and the treatment of N reduction by 40%, respectively. The wheat yield under different treatments ranged from 3.49 t/hm2 to 7.95 t/hm2. On average, the straw incorporation treatments increased the N use efficiency by 6.23-10.61 percentage points compared with no straw incorporation treatments. Wheat yield decreased significantly with the decrease of N application rate, but there was little difference between the treatment of nitrogen reduction by 20% under straw incorporation and the treatment of conventional N application rate. Compared with no straw incorporation treatment, the wheat yield under straw incorporation treatments increased by 7.66% on average. It can be seen that reasonable amount of N fertilizer and straw incorporation can give consideration to crop yield and farmland environment. Compared with conventional N application (240 kg/hm2) treatment without straw returning, chemical N fertilizer reduction by 20% under straw incorporation can obtain high yield of wheat, improve N use efficiency and reduce ammonia volatilization in wheat field.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-13