 MA Zhong-tao,MA Hui-zhen,CUI Wen-pei,et al.Effects of maturity on yield and quality of highly palatable rice Nanjing 9108[J].,2020,(06):1353-1360.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2020.06.002]





Effects of maturity on yield and quality of highly palatable rice Nanjing 9108
MA Zhong-taoMA Hui-zhenCUI Wen-peiFU Zheng-haoJIANG Wei-qinZHU YingWEI Hai-yanZHANG Hong-chengLIU Guo-dong
(Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Research Institute of Engineering Technology for Crop Industry, Yangzhou University/Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)
Nanjing 9108ricematurityyieldquality
In order to study the optimum maturity of rice during harvest, explore the differences of yield and qualiy among rice with different maturities and reasons for their changes, Nanjing 9108 was used as material, five harvest periods were set up to investigate corresponding maturity of rice and systematically study factors that may affect the yield and quality of rice. The results showed that maturity mainly changed seed setting rate and thousand-seed weight of rice, and the yield was the highest when the maturity was 95.56%. On the aspect of quality, processing quality, appearance and eating quality of rice were effectively improved with the increase of maturity. Some processing quality and appearance quality were the best when the maturity was 93.28%, but the difference was not significant compared with those when the maturity was 95.56%. The eating quality of rice was the best when the maturity was 95.56%, but the difference was not significant compared with that when the maturity was 93.28%. The differences of starch contents and protein contents were relatively less among rice with different maturities, while the differences of starch gelatinization properties and protein components were relatively larger. The reason maybe that the maturity mainly affected the rice quality by changing the protein components and starch structure. According to the yield and quality of rice, when the maturity was 93.28%-95.56%, it was the best harvest time of Nanjing 9108.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-01-15