 NING Yun-wang,ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Yong-chun.North and south difference of rice planting behavior in Jiangsu province and its influences on input of chemical fertilizer: a case study in Suzhou and Yancheng[J].,2018,(03):533-539.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2018.03.008]





North and south difference of rice planting behavior in Jiangsu province and its influences on input of chemical fertilizer: a case study in Suzhou and Yancheng
NING Yun-wangZHANG HuiZHANG Yong-chun
(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Arable Land Conservation (Jiangsu), Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing 210014, China)
planting behaviorricechemical fertilizer input
为摸清江苏省水稻种植行为的南北差异及其对化肥投入的影响,以苏州市和盐城市为例,以户为单位对 2013~2015年的水稻种植规模、品种、插秧方式、有机肥施用量、配方肥使用比例、机械施肥比例、施肥次数、化肥投入数量等进行了实地调查。结果表明,苏州市的规模种植比例、机械插秧比例和机械施肥比例显著高于盐城,而盐城市的人工插秧比例、配方肥使用比例和施肥次数显著高于苏州市。苏州市和盐城市的化肥投入年度间差异不显著,苏州市水稻的氮、磷、钾和化肥折纯投入量分别为 (294.4±70.0) kg/hm2、(82.7±34.7) kg/hm2、(103.7±65.6) kg/hm2和 (480.7±106.0) kg/hm2,氮、磷、钾投入比例为 1.00∶0.28∶0.35(质量比);盐城市水稻氮、磷、钾和化肥折纯投入量分别为 (397.1±84.3) kg/hm2、(76.6±37.6) kg/hm2、(49.8±31.6) kg/hm2和 (523.4±99.2) kg/hm2,氮、磷、钾投入比例为 1.00∶0.19∶0.13(质量比)。苏州市水稻施氮量显著低于盐城市,而施钾量显著高于盐城市。与江苏省水稻推荐施肥量比较,苏州市氮肥和磷肥投入分别超过39.1%和10.3%,盐城市氮肥投入超过54.1%、钾肥投入不足44.7%。施肥次数多是苏州市和盐城市水稻氮肥投入过量的主要原因之一,当苏州市水稻施肥超过3次、盐城市水稻施肥超过4次时,氮肥投入均显著增加。苏州市水稻磷肥投入偏高主要缘起于直播稻比例较高,盐城市水稻钾肥投入偏低主要缘起于规模种植户、配方肥和人工栽秧的比例较高。因此,减少施肥次数应是目前江苏省水稻化肥减施的主要着力点。
To find out north and south differences of rice planting behavior in Jiangsu province and its influence on chemical fertilizer input, taking Suzhou and Yancheng as example, rice planting scale, varieties, transplanting methods, application rate of organic manure, formula fertilizer proportion, mechanical fertilization proportion, fertilizer times and amount of chemical fertilizer were investigated from 2013 to 2015. Results showed that proportion of scale-planting, proportion of mechanical transplanting and proportion of mechanical fertilization in Suzhou were significantly higher than those in Yancheng, however, proportion of rice transplantation by hand, proportion of formula fertilizer and fertilization times in Yancheng were significantly higher than those in Suzhou. The difference between the annual input of chemical fertilizer in Suzhou and Yancheng was not significant. The pure input amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and chemical fertilizer for rice in Suzhou were (294.4±70.0) kg/hm2, (82.7±34.7) kg/hm2, (103.7±65.6) kg/hm2 and (480.7±106.0) kg/hm2, respectively, and the input ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 1.00∶0.28∶0.35. The pure input amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and chemical fertilizer for rice in Yancheng were (397.1±84.3) kg/hm2, (76.6±37.6) kg/hm2, (49.8±31.6) kg/hm2 and (523.4±99.2) kg/hm2, and the input ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 1.00∶0.19∶0.13. Lower rate of nitrogen fertilizer was applied in Suzhou than that in Yancheng, and higher potassium fertilizer was applied in Suzhou than that in Yancheng. Compared to recommended fertilization of rice in Jiangsu, the input of nitrogen and phosphorus in Suzhou were more than 39.1% and 10.3%, respectively. The input of nitrogen fertilizer in Yancheng was over 54.1%, and the input of potassium fertilizer in Yancheng was less than 44.7%. Whether in Suzhou or in Yancheng, more fertilization times was one of the dominant reason for excessive input of nitrogen fertilizer. When fertilization times was more than three in Suzhou or four in Yancheng, amounts of nitrogen fertilizer were apparently increased. Excessive amount of phosphorus fertilizer in Suzhou was mainly derived from a large proportion of direct seedling rice, and deficient amount of potassium fertilizer in Yancheng was mainly derived from a considerable proportion of scale-planting, formula fertilizer and transplantation by hand. It was suggested that reducing fertilization times should be the main focus of reduction of chemical fertilizer in Jiangsu.


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收稿日期:2017-09-05 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200805);江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目[CX(16)1001] 作者简介:宁运旺(1966-), 男,安徽望江人,本科,研究员,从事大田作物养分管理与施肥研究。(Tel)025-84390205;(E-mail)ningyunwang460@sina.com 通讯作者:张永春,(Tel)025-84390242;(E-mail) yczhang1966@sina.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-07-04