 YANG Jia-da,PENG Shu.Differential expression of myostatin gene in Guizhou landrace goat[J].,2015,(02):369-375.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2015.02.023]





Differential expression of myostatin gene in Guizhou landrace goat
YANG Jia-daPENG Shu
(College of Environmental and Life Sciences,Kaili University,Kaili 556011,China)
myostatinreal-time fluorescence quantitationGuizhou landrace goatgene expression
In order to figure out the locations and tissue expression patterns of myostatin gene in Guizhou landrace goats, and the varietal expression difference, the expression levels of myostatin mRNA in the liver,kidney,heart,lung,longissimus muscle,semimembranosus muscle and subcutaneous fat of Qiandongnan small Xiang goats, Guizhou white goats, Guizhou black goats, Qianbei Ma goats and Nanjiang yellow goats, were detected by real time fluorescence quantitative TaqMan method and normalized by internal β-actin. The liver and subcutaneous fat exhibited the the highest level of myostatin mRNA expression, follwed by kidney and lung, semimembranosus muscle, longissimus muscle and heart (myocardium) were the lowest. The expression levels in semimembranosus muscle and longissimus muscle were higher than that in liver (myocardium). The myostatin mRNA level in livers and subcutaneous fat showed no difference among breeds. The gene expression level in the hearts, lungs, kidneys, longissimus muscle and semimembranosus muscle of Guizhou white goat were significantly higher than those in Qiandongnan small Xiang goat and Qianbei Ma goat. Guizhou white goat also presented higher levels of myostatin mRNA in the lungs, longissimus muscle and semimembranosus muscle than Guizhou black goat and Nanjiang yellow goat. The results suggested that myostatin gene were expressed in all the tested tissues and organs of Guizhou landrace goats, the level being listed in the order of subcutaneous fat>kidney and lung>semimembranosus muscle, longissimus muscle and heart (myocardium). For most tissues, there were differential expressions among breeds.


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收稿日期:2015-02-05 基金项目:凯里学院规划课题(Z1304);凯里学院获得博士学位(引进教授)教师专项(BS201303);贵州省科技联合基金项目[黔科合J字LKK(2013)14号];贵州省普通本科高校自然科学研究项目[黔教合KY字(2014)236];国家自然科学基金项目(81460572) 作者简介:杨家大(1975-),男,贵州天柱人,博士,副教授,主要从事动物分子遗传学研究。(Tel)0855-8511625;(E-mail)yangjiada2@163.com〖HT〗〖FQ)〗
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-04-30