 HE Yongmei,WANG Junwen,BAI Peng,et al.Effects of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry and reduction of potassium fertilizer on zucchini fruit quality and soil characteristics[J].,2025,(01):161-168.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2025.01.018]





Effects of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry and reduction of potassium fertilizer on zucchini fruit quality and soil characteristics
HE Yongmei1WANG Junwen1BAI Peng1FENG Junfang1WU Yue1HU Linli1ZHANG Guobin1LYU Jian1LIU Zeci1YU Jihua12
(1.College of Horticulture, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science, Lanzhou 730070, China)
zucchinibiogas slurrypotassium fertilizer reductionyieldqualityphysical and chemical properties of soil
In order to clarify the effects of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry and potassium fertilizer reduction measures on the yield and quality of zucchini and soil physical and chemical properties, and to achieve high-quality sustainable production of zucchini, five fertilization treatments were set up in this study, including local conventional chemical fertilizer control (CK), balanced fertilization of chemical fertilizers (T0), partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry (T1), partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry and 20% reduction of potassium fertilizer (T2) and partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biogas slurry and 33% reduction of potassium fertilizer (T3). The effects of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers with biogas slurry and potassium fertilizer reduction measures on the yield and quality of zucchini, and soil physical and chemical properties and enzyme activity were analyzed. The results showed that the economic yield of zucchini in T1, T2 and T3 treatments was significantly higher than that in CK, and the economic yield in T2 treatment was the highest, which was 6.19% higher than that in CK. The vitamin C content, soluble protein content and soluble sugar content of zucchini fruits in T2 treatment were 6.17%, 173.68% and 87.95% higher than those in CK, respectively, while the nitrate content decreased by 64.04%. The contents of mineral elements and nutrient elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc in zucchini fruits in T2 treatment were significantly higher than those in CK. The soil total phosphorus content, total potassium content, available phosphorus content, available potassium content and organic matter content of T2 treatment were 26.01%, 37.44%, 32.62%, 24.10% and 104.76% higher than those of CK, respectively, while the pH value changed from weak alkaline to neutral. The activities of soil catalase, alkaline phosphatase and urease in T2 treatment were significantly higher than those in CK. In summary, in this study, partial replacement of chemical fertilizers with biogas slurry and 20% reduction of potassium fertilizer treatment can not only reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers, but also effectively improve the economic yield and quality of zucchini, enhance soil enzyme activity, and improve soil physical and chemical properties. The results of this experiment provide a basis for the patial replacement of chemical fertilizers with biogas slurry and reduction of potassium fertilizer and the sustainable production of zucchini with high quality.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-28