 XU Chongxin,SHEN Jianxing,JIN Jiafeng,et al.Research progress on the expression and application of Bt toxin and its residue risk and immunoassay[J].,2024,(12):2387-2400.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.12.022]





Research progress on the expression and application of Bt toxin and its residue risk and immunoassay
XU Chongxin12SHEN Jianxing12JIN Jiafeng12CHEN Wei2ZHANG Xiao2LIU Yuan2LIU Xianjin2
(1.School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China;2.Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base, Ministry of Science and Technology——Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety, Nanjing 210014, China)
Bt toxininsecticidal proteinprotein expressiongenetically modified cropspesticide residueimmunoassay
Bt toxin is a kind of biological macromolecular protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis, which has specific toxic activity for many common agricultural and forestry pests and even health mosquito vectors, and is a green insect-resistant material with great economic value and ecological and environmental benefits. However, with the long-term use of Bt toxin preparations and Bt-transgenic crops, the potential risks of their exposure, such as driving the evolution of resistance to target pests and cross-toxicity to non-target organisms, have attracted much attention. Therefore, monitoring their residues has become an important part of agriculture, food and environmental safety risk assessment. This paper reviewed the current status of research on the application of Bt toxin traditional preparations based on microbial expression system and transgenic insect-resistant crops based on plant expression system, as well as the potential risk of resistance to target pests and cross-toxicity of non-target organisms, and summarized the research progress of immunoassay for Bt toxin residues monitoring. Combined with the latest research results of our research team in the creation of Bt toxin-specific genetic engineering antibodies and the targeted design of Bt toxin anti-insect mimics based on the popular phage display antibody library technology in recent years, the innovative research and development and application strategies of new safe insecticidal proteins based on Bt toxins and the future potential development trends and feasible shortcuts of technological innovation in the detection of toxin protein residues were discussed. This paper can provide valuable literature and new ideas for further research on Bt toxin.


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