 YANG Shengru,ZHANG Qiushuang,WEN Xukang,et al.Preparation and physicochemical properties of the wheat starch-lipid complex[J].,2024,(12):2377-2386.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.12.021]





Preparation and physicochemical properties of the wheat starch-lipid complex
YANG Shengru1ZHANG Qiushuang2WEN Xukang1XIAO Wenhui1WU Kaige1ZOU Jian1NIU Wenfei1ZHANG Puyue1DUAN Jun1HOU Yinchen1
(1.College of Food and Bioengineering, Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy, Zhengzhou 450046, China; 2.Henan Province Institute of Veterinary Drug and Feed Control, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
wheat starchwheat starch-lipid complexphysicochemical properties
本研究以复合率为指标,探索小麦淀粉-脂质复合物制备的最佳工艺,并对小麦淀粉-脂质复合物的结构、消化特性和溶解度、膨胀率、冻融性等理化特性进行了分析。结果表明,最适于与小麦淀粉复合的脂质为月桂酸。最佳复合条件为,复合时间66 min,温度75 ℃,脂质添加量5%,小麦淀粉与蒸馏水的质量体积比(料液比)1∶10,该条件下小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物的复合率为88.74%。小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物快速消化淀粉(RDS)含量显著低于小麦淀粉(P<0.05),慢消化淀粉(SDS)含量和抗性淀粉(RS)含量显著高于小麦淀粉(P<0.05)。在复合时间为66 min时,小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物中抗性淀粉和慢消化淀粉含量最高,快速消化淀粉含量最低。小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物溶解性和膨胀率显著低于小麦淀粉(P<0.05),在复合时间为66 min时,小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物溶解性和膨胀率最低。表明该工艺条件下制备得到的小麦淀粉-月桂酸复合物的晶体结构相对致密,冻融稳定性较高。
In this study, the optimum technology for preparation of the wheat starch-lipid complex was explored with the complex rate as the index, and the structure, digestibility, solubility, swelling rate and freeze-thaw property of the wheat starch-lipid complex were analyzed. The results showed that lauric acid was the most suitable lipid to compound with wheat starch. The optimum compound conditions were compound time 66 min, temperature 75 ℃, lipid content 5%, mass/volume ratio of wheat starch to distilled water 1∶10. Under these conditions, the complex rate of the wheat starch-lauric acid complex was 88.74%. The content of rapidly digestible starch (RDS) of the wheat starch-lauric acid complex was significantly lower than that of wheat starch (P<0.05), while the contents of slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) were significantly higher than those of wheat starch (P<0.05). The content of RS and SDS was the highest, and the content of rapidly digestible starch was the lowest in the complex of wheat starch-lauric acid at 66 min. The solubility and swelling rate of the wheat starch-lauric acid complex were significantly lower than those of wheat starch (P<0.05). The solubility and swelling rate of the wheat starch-lauric acid complex were the lowest at 66 min. The results showed that the crystal structure of the prepared wheat starch-lauric acid complex was relatively compact, and its freeze-thaw stability was high.


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