 LI Mingbo,WEI Yong,MU Zhimin,et al.Identification method of pod pepper fruits based on improved YOLOv7 model[J].,2024,(12):2292-2301.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.12.012]





Identification method of pod pepper fruits based on improved YOLOv7 model
李名博1卫勇1穆志民2NASIR Mubarak Aliyu1
LI Mingbo1WEI Yong1MU Zhimin2NASIR Mubarak Aliyu1
(1.College of Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China;2.College of Basic Sciences, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China)
pod pepperfruit identificationYOLOv7 model
朝天椒果实的准确识别是实现智能采摘的关键步骤,针对其生长环境复杂、果实大小不一、遮挡重叠等造成识别准确率低的问题,本研究提出一种基于改进YOLOv7的朝天椒果实识别方法。以YOLOv7为基础模型,设计了一种含有残差结构的AM_F模块,将其融合在YOLOv7主干网络中;基于空间、通道注意力机制的结构改进得到SAM_F、SE_ECA模块,分别将其融合在主干网络和颈部网络中,并进行结构简化,同时将SPP_CSP结构中的SPP替换为SPPF,实现参数计算量的精简,最终得到改进型YOLOv7模型——YOLOv7-F。采用对比试验对YOLOv7-F模型的识别效果进行验证分析,结果表明,YOLOv7-F模型对朝天椒果实的识别平均精度均值为80.07%,与YOLOv7模型相比,YOLOv7-F模型在识别时间加快23.4 ms的前提下,平均精度均值提升了1.06个百分点,而且模型大小也减少77.94 MB。YOLOv7-F模型实现了朝天椒果实识别精度和速度同步提升,为朝天椒果实智能采摘提供技术支撑。
The accurate identification of pod pepper fruits is the crucial step to realize intelligent picking. Aiming at the problem of low recognition accuracy caused by complex growing environments, different fruit sizes, and occlusion and overlapping, a fruit recognition method based on improved YOLOv7 was proposed. Using YOLOv7 as the basic model, an AM_F module with residual structure was designed and integrated into the backbone network of YOLOv7. The SAM_F and SE_ECA modules were obtained by improving the structure of the spatial and channel attention mechanisms. They were integrated into the backbone network and the neck network respectively, and the structure was simplified. At the same time, the SPP in the SPP_CSP structure was replaced by SPPF to simplify the calculation of parameters, and finally an improved YOLOv7 model, YOLOv7-F, was obtained. The recognition effect of YOLOv7-F model was verified and analyzed by comparison tests. The results indicated that the average recognition accuracy of YOLOv7-F model was 80.07%. Compared with the YOLOv7 model, the recognition time of the YOLOv7-F model was accelerated by 23.4 ms, the average accuracy was increased by 1.06 percentage points, and the model size was reduced by 77.94 MB. The YOLOv7-F model can realize the synchronous improvement of the recognition accuracy and recognition speed of pod pepper fruits, and provide technical support for the intelligent picking of pod pepper fruits.


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