 JI Yangbeibei,WANG Jun,NIE Yuanqing,et al.Research progress on the formation mechanism of rice spikelets and effects of water and nitrogen on spikelet formation[J].,2024,(11):2187-2192.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.11.022]





Research progress on the formation mechanism of rice spikelets and effects of water and nitrogen on spikelet formation
JI Yangbeibei1WANG Jun1NIE Yuanqing1QIN Li1LIU Lijun12
(1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;2.Jiangsu Province Food Crop Modern Industrial Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, Yangzhou 225009, China)
ricespikeletmoisturenitrogen fertilizer
Spikelet is a reproductive organ of rice. After fertilization, the fertilized eggs develop and grains begin to fill. Therefore, the number of spikelets has an important effect on rice yield and quality. The number of spikelets per panicle was determined by the difference of spikelets differentiation number at the early stage of young panicle development and spikelets degeneration number at the late stage of young panicle development. The differentiation and degradation of spikelets in rice were affected by multiple factors, such as genetic factors and environmental conditions. In this paper, the research progress on spikelets differentiation and degradation of rice was summarized, and the effects of irrigation methods, nitrogen management and water-nitrogen interaction on spikelets differentiation and degradation of rice and their mechanisms were systematically analyzed. The future research directions were put forward to provide a theoretical basis for high-yield cultivation of rice.


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