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 Identification method of crop diseases and insect pests based on improved YOLOv5n model
CHENG DayuZHAO WeiHE WeideWU ZepengWANG Jiandong
 (1.School of Mining and Geomatics Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China)
 agricultural pest and diseaseobject detectionlightweight modelattention mechanism
 针对模型对复杂场景下农作物病虫害的识别精度低、模型参数量大的问题,本研究对轻量级YOLOv5n模型进行改进。首先,在YOLOv5n模型的骨干网络中加入坐标注意力模块,使模型关注检测目标及其位置,减少复杂背景对模型的影响。其次,引入加权的双向特征融合金字塔网络(BiFPN),减少小目标信息丢失,提高了模型的特征学习能力。最后,用损失函数SIoU代替损失函数CIoU,在不改变模型参数量的情况下,提升了目标检测精度。在无人机采集到的玉米病虫害数据集上,本研究提出的AgriPest-YOLOv5n模型的mAP@0.50达81.32%,在Jetson Xavier开发板上检测速度达到77 FPS,模型大小为1.63 MB。改进后的YOLOv5n模型能够满足轻量化的要求,能够实时、准确地识别复杂背景下的农作物病虫害,本研究结果可为病虫害精准防治提供技术支持。
 In order to solve the problems of low recognition accuracy for crop diseases and insect pests in complex scenes and large model parameters of the model, the lightweight YOLOv5n model was improved in this study. Firstly, a coordinate attention module was added to the backbone network of YOLOv5n model to make the model focus on the detection target and its location and reduce the influence of complex background on the model. Secondly, the weighted bi-directional feature fusion pyramid network (BiFPN) was introduced to reduce the information loss of small targets and improve the model’s feature learning ability. Finally, the loss function SIoU was used to replace the loss function CIoU, which improved the target detection accuracy without changing the parameters of the model. In the dataset of corn pests and diseases collected by unmanned air vehicle, the AgriPest-YOLOv5n model mAP@0.50 proposed by this study reached 81.32%, and the detection speed reached 77 FPS on the Jetson Xavier development board. The size of the model was 1.63 MB. The improved YOLOv5n model can meet the requirement of light weight, and can identify crop diseases and insect pests in real time and accurately under complex background. The results of this study provide technical support for the precision control of crop diseases and insect pests.



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