 ZHANG Yingpeng,WANG Li,YE Xiaomei,et al.Effects of manure returning methods on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and soil carbon sequestration in wheat fields[J].,2024,(09):1643-1652.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.09.008]





Effects of manure returning methods on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and soil carbon sequestration in wheat fields
ZHANG Yingpeng1WANG Li1YE Xiaomei1ZHU Fei1XU Fang2YANG Liangjie2
(1.Institute of Animal Science, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Crop and Animal Integrated Farming, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing 210014, China;2.Gaoyou Center of Agricultural Technology Comprehensive Service, Gaoyou 225600, China)
manure returninggreenhouse gas emissionsammonia emissioncarbon sequestration
In order to clarify the effects of different types of manure returning and rice straw returning on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and soil carbon sequestration in wheat fields, five treatments were set up in this study, including chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning, compost combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning, biogas slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning, manure slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning and biogas slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + off-site utilization of rice straw. The effects of different manure returning modes on carbon and nitrogen gas emissions, global warming potential (GWP), net global warming potential (NGWP) and soil carbon sequestration in wheat fields were analyzed. The results showed that the cumulative CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 emissions of manure returning treatment were basically increased to different degrees compared with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning treatment. The GWP of wheat fields under different treatments was dominated by N2O emission, with a contribution rate of 67.4%-74.9%, and the GWP of manure slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning was the highest. The cumulative emission of NH3 and the total emission of gaseous nitrogen ( NH3-N and N2O-N ) were the highest in the wheat field treated with compost combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning. The GWP and the carbon sequestration of topsoil in wheat field under the treatment of biogas slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning were 20.6% and 2.87 times higher than those in the treatment of biogas slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw leaving the field, respectively, and the NGWP changed from positive to negative. Compared with the treatment of chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning, the treatment of manure combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning could significantly increase the amount of carbon sequestration in the topsoil of wheat field, and the NGWP was negative. Among them, the effect of manure slurry combined with chemical fertilizer + rice straw returning method was the best. The results of this study provide a basis for manure utilization, emission-reduction and carbon sequestration in farmland.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-11-17