 ZHANG Wujun,DUAN Xiujian,LI Maoyu,et al.Effects of sowing date and density on yield and lodging resistance of precision hill-direct-seeding rice[J].,2024,(08):1412-1423.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.08.006]





Effects of sowing date and density on yield and lodging resistance of precision hill-direct-seeding rice
ZHANG Wujun1DUAN Xiujian1LI Maoyu2LIU Qiangming1TANG Yongqun1LI Jingyong1YAO Xiong1
(1.Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Chongqing Ratooning Rice Research Center, Jiulongpo 401329, China;2.Seed Station of Chongqing Municipality, Yubei 401121, China)
precision-hill-direct-seeding ricelodging resistanceyieldsowing datedensity
为探究渝西地区播期与密度互作对精量穴直播水稻产量和抗倒伏的影响,以渝香优8133和泰优粤禾丝苗为试验材料,设置2个播期(B1:3月29日、B2:5月25日)和5个播种密度(D1:每1 hm21.50×105穴、D2:每1 hm21.95×105穴、D3:每1 hm22.40×105穴、D4:每1 hm22.85×105穴、D5:每1 hm23.30×105穴),分析茎秆力学、茎秆形态及器官干物质积累与茎秆抗倒伏性和产量的关系。结果表明,与早播处理(B1)相比,迟播处理(B2)可显著提高精量穴直播水稻产量水平;同时,B2播期处理较高的叶面积指数(LAI)和有效穗数导致茎秆倒伏指数显著提高。随着播种密度增加,2个水稻品种的产量均呈先增加后降低趋势,B1播期下D3处理产量最高,B2播期下D4处理产量最高,但与D3处理差异不显著;而倒伏指数呈持续增加趋势,2个水稻品种趋势一致。与D1处理相比,B1和B2播期的D2、D3处理倒伏指数增幅较小,D4、D5处理显著升高,以渝香优8133表现明显。在B1和B2播期下,D2、D3处理的单株茎鞘干重、基部节间茎粗、壁厚及茎鞘充实度与D1处理相当,而D4、D5处理大幅降低。综合分析认为,在B1和B2播期下,D3处理是精量穴直播水稻产量、抗倒伏协同较好的适宜播种密度。
To explore the effects of sowing date and density interaction on yield and lodging resistance of precision hill-direct-seeding rice in western Chongqing, Yuxiangyou 8133 and Taiyou Yuehesimiao were used as experimental materials. Two sowing dates (B1: March 29, B2: May 25) and five sowing densities (D1: 1.50×105 holes per hectare, D2: 1.95×105 holes per hectare, D3: 2.40×105 holes per hectare, D4: 2.85×105 holes per hectare, D5: 3.30×105 holes per hectare) were set. The relationship between stem mechanics, stem morphology, organ dry matter accumulation and plant lodging resistance and yield was analyzed. The results showed that compared with the early sowing treatment (B1), the late sowing treatment (B2) could significantly increase the yield of precision hill-direct-seeding rice. At the same time, higher leaf area index (LAI) and effective panicles under B2 treatment led to a significant increase in stem lodging index. With the increase of planting density, the yield of the two rice varieties increased first and then decreased. The yield in D3 treatment was the highest under B1 sowing date. The yield in D4 treatment was the highest under B2 sowing date, but there was no significant difference with the yield in D3 treatment. Moreover, the lodging index showed a continuous increasing trend, and the two rice varieties had the same trend. Compared with D1 treatment, the lodging index in D2 and D3 treatments under B1 and B2 sowing date treatments increased slightly, and the lodging index in D4 and D5 treatments increased significantly, especially for Yuxiangyou 8133. Under B1 and B2 sowing dates, the stem and sheath dry weight per plant, basal internode stem diameter, wall thickness and stem and sheath plumpness in D2 and D3 treatments were comparable to those in D1 treatment, but decreased significantly in D4 and D5 treatments. The comprehensive analysis results showed that D3 treatment was the suitable sowing density for the yield and lodging resistance of precision hill-direct-seeding rice under B1 and B2 sowing dates.


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收稿日期:2023-09-12基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31701382);重庆市农业科学院青年创新团队项目(NKY-2019CQ10);重庆市现代农业产业技术体系项目(CQMAITS202301);重庆市农业科学院院管绩效激励引导专项(cqaas2021jxjl35)作者简介:张巫军(1986-),男,甘肃陇南人,博士,副研究员,主要从事水稻生理生态及轻简栽培技术研究工作。(E-mail)zhangwj881125@163.com通讯作者:姚雄,(E-mail) yaoxiong0004@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-18