 XING Xiaolin,CHEN Dan,KUANG Yong,et al.Development of SSR molecular markers and genetic diversity analysis of Oenanthe javanica[J].,2024,(07):1285-1296.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.07.015]





Development of SSR molecular markers and genetic diversity analysis of Oenanthe javanica
XING Xiaolin1CHEN Dan1KUANG Yong1XU Wenjuan1HUANG Ran2GAN Defang1
(1.School of Horticulture, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China;2.Anhui Zhengze Ecological Agriculture Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Dingyuan 233230, China)
dropwortsimple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markerscluster analysisgenetic diversity
水芹是伞形科水芹属多年生草本植物,是一种重要的药食两用蔬菜作物。在中国,水芹的种植区域十分广泛,然而目前对其种质资源的鉴定、培育及遗传信息的研究较少。本研究利用溧阳白芹基因组开发水芹简单重复序列(SSR)分子标记,分析55份水芹的遗传多样性并用非加权组平均法(UPGMA)构建系统进化树,同时用SSR扩增条带数据构建DNA指纹图谱。结果显示,共鉴定到325 699个SSR位点,其中单核苷酸SSR重复单元、二核苷酸SSR重复单元、三核苷酸SSR重复单元、四核苷酸SSR重复单元、五核苷酸SSR重复单元、六核苷酸SSR重复单元的出现频率分别为33.94%、54.62%、9.31%、1.66%、0.17%、0.29%,其中二核苷酸SSR重复单元数最多,有177 887个,且A/T(占比为29.98%)和AT/AT(占比为35.70%)是较丰富的重复类型。UPGMA分析结果表明,33对高多态性引物[多态信息含量(PIC)>0.25]可将55份水芹材料分为4组。利用筛选出的4对引物(Oj-084、Oj-110、Oj-112、Oj-156)可以将55份水芹材料完全区分开,并且可构建指纹图谱。研究结果可为水芹种质资源鉴定、保护及分子遗传育种提供有力依据。
Dropwort is a perennial herbaceous plant of Oenanthe genus in the Apiaceae family, which is an important vegetable crop for both food and medicine. In China, the planting area of dropwort is very extensive. However, there are few studies on the identification and cultivation of its germplasm resources and the genetic information. In this study, we used the genome of Liyang Baiqin to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers for dropwort, and analyzed the genetic diversity of 55 samples. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA), and the DNA fingerprint was constructed with SSR amplified band data. The results showed that a total of 325 699 SSR loci were identified. The frequencies of single nucleotide SSR repeat units, dinucleotide SSR repeat units, trinucleotide SSR repeat units, tetranucleotide SSR repeat units, pentanucleotide SSR repeat units and hexanucleotide SSR repeat units were 33.94%, 54.62%, 9.31%, 1.66%, 0.17% and 0.29%, respectively. Among them, the number of dinucleotide SSR repeat units was the largest (177 887), and A/T (29.98%) and AT/AT (35.70%) were the more abundant repeat types. The results of UPGMA analysis indicated that 55 Oenanthe javanica materials could be divided into four groups by 33 pairs of highly polymorphic primers (polymorphic information content>0.25). Four pairs of primers (Oj-084, Oj-110, Oj-112, Oj-156) were used to completely distinguish 55 Oenanthe javanica materials, and the fingerprint could be constructed. The results can provide a strong basis for the identification, protection and molecular genetic breeding of Oenanthe javanica germplasm resources.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-14