 GAO Fucheng,LI Haijun,MU Xiaoguo,et al.Synergistic effects of earthworms and cow manure on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage and contents of heavy metals zinc, arsenic and chromium in soil under reduced chemical fertilization[J].,2024,(06):1078-1088.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.015]





Synergistic effects of earthworms and cow manure on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage and contents of heavy metals zinc, arsenic and chromium in soil under reduced chemical fertilization
GAO FuchengLI HaijunMU XiaoguoGAO HuZHANG YingYE Lin
(College of Enology and Horticulture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
chemical fertilizer reductionearthwormsheavy metalsflowering Chinese cabbagesoil physical and chemical properties
In order to investigate the effects of synergistic application of earthworms and cow manure under reduced chemical fertilizer application treatment on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage and the contents of heavy metals in soil, a pot experiment was conducted using flowering Chinese cabbage and planting soil. Five groups of conventional fertilizer application (CK), 30% reduction of chemical fertilizer + earthworms (CE), decomposed cow manure + earthworms (FE), 30% reduction of chemical fertilizer + decomposed cow dung (CFC) and 30% reduction of chemical fertilizer + decomposed cow manure + earthworms (CFE) were tested. The results showed that compared with CK, CFE treatment significantly improved the growth trait indexes of flowering Chinese cabbage (P<0.05), including plant height, stem diameter, total root length, total root surface area, total root volume and average root diameter. Meanwhile, the introduction of earthworms optimized the soil structure and increased the soil nutrient content. Compared with CK and CFC treatments, the soil pH in CFE treatment decreased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with CK, the electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic matter (SOM) content, total nitrogen (TN) content, and available nitrogen (AN) content in CFE treatment were significantly increased (P<0.05). In addition, compared with CK, CFE treatment significantly reduced the contents of arsenic and chromium in soil (P<0.05), and significantly increased the content of zinc (P<0.05). Studies on the effects of soil physicochemical properties on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage found that total nitrogen content, available nitrogen content and available phosphorus content were the soil physicochemical properties that jointly affected the height and stem diameter of flowering Chinese cabbage, whereas electrical conductivity and organic matter content significantly affected flowering Chinese cabbage root length and root vigour. In conclusion, the combined treatment of 30% reduction of chemical fertilizer + decomposed cow manure + earthworms has potential application value in promoting the growth and development of flowering Chinese cabbage, optimizing soil physicochemical properties and reducing soil heavy metal pollution.


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