 CHEN Xinyu,YANG Zhi,YANG Bei,et al.Effects of replacing chemical phosphate fertilizer with lanthanum modified straw after phosphorus adsorption on soil phosphorus forms[J].,2024,(06):1020-1027.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.008]





Effects of replacing chemical phosphate fertilizer with lanthanum modified straw after phosphorus adsorption on soil phosphorus forms
CHEN Xinyu12YANG Zhi2YANG Bei2YU Yingliang12TANG Jie1 ZHOU Danyi2REN Zhuo2XUE Lihong2YANG Linzhang2
(1.College of Resources and Environment, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China;2.Key Laboratory of Agro-Environment in Downstream of Yangtze Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
lanthanum modified strawphosphorus formsnon-point source pollutionwheat
定向改性材料能提升吸附磷的能力,高效去除水体中磷污染,然而吸附材料的后端利用却鲜有研究和报道。本研究以镧元素改性秸秆用于吸附畜禽养殖尾水中的磷,并将吸附磷后的材料作为磷肥进行小麦盆栽试验,动态取样测定不同形态的磷含量,分析其对土壤中磷形态的影响。结果表明:本研究镧改性秸秆对养殖尾水中磷吸附效率达到98.59%,最佳投加量为1.4 g/L。小麦生长初期,附磷镧改性秸秆继续吸附土壤的活性态磷,促进土壤中活性磷转化为钙吸附态磷,防止土壤磷的流失。随着小麦生长,钙吸附态磷含量逐渐下降,转变为活性态磷持续供应养分,说明附磷镧改性秸秆具备缓释磷肥的属性。本研究为附磷后材料的利用提供了一种新的思路,有助于缓解农业面源污染。
The directional modified materials can enhance the ability of phosphorus adsorption and effectively remove phosphorus pollution from water, but the back-end utilization of adsorption materials is seldom studied and reported. In this study, lanthanum modified straw was used to adsorb phosphorus from livestock and poultry tail water, and the material after adsorbing was used as phosphorus fertilizer in wheat pot experiment. Dynamic sampling was used to determine the content of different forms of phosphorus, and the effect on phosphorus forms in the soil was analyzed. The results showed that the phosphorus adsorption efficiency of lanthanum modified straw was 98.59%, and the optimal input was 1.4 g/L. In the early stage of wheat growth, lanthanum phosphate modified straw continued to absorb active phosphorus in the soil, promoted the conversion of active phosphorus into calcium-adsorbed phosphorus, and prevented the loss of soil phosphorus. With the growth of wheat, the content of calcium-adsorbed phosphorus decreased gradually, and the calcium-adsorbed phosphorus was converted into active phosphorus to continuously supply nutrients, which indicated that the modified straw with lanthanum phosphate had the properties of slow-release phosphate fertilizer. This study provides a new idea for the utilization of phosphorus-added materials, which is helpful to alleviate agricultural non-point source pollution.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15