 DU Guanghui,ZHANG Lin,DING Li,et al.Effects of co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with nitrogen fertilizer reduction on rice yield and nitrogen nutrition balance[J].,2024,(06):1012-1019.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.007]





Effects of co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with nitrogen fertilizer reduction on rice yield and nitrogen nutrition balance
DU Guanghui1ZHANG Lin1DING Li1NIE Liangpeng1SHI Pengfei1LYU Yuhu1ZHANG Lixia1PAN Ziliang1SUN Quandong2
(1.Xinyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinyang 464001, China;2.Xinyang Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinyang 464001, China)
Chinese milk vetchrice strawyieldnitrogen accumulationapparent profit and loss of nitrogen
紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田是减肥增效的重要举措,通过试验研究紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田配合氮肥减施对水稻产量及氮素营养平衡的影响,以期为豫南稻区合理利用紫云英与水稻秸秆提供理论依据。氮肥设计按照常规施用量的60%氮(N0.6)、100%氮(N)2个水平;水稻秸秆采取留高茬还田(St)、不还田2种方式;绿肥采取种植并翻压紫云英(Mv,22 500 kg/hm2)、冬闲2种模式;以冬闲和水稻秸秆不还田不施肥作空白对照(CK),共10个处理,研究紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田配合氮肥减施对水稻产量、水稻地上部氮积累量、土壤氮含量、氮肥利用率及土壤氮素表观盈亏量的影响。结果表明,紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田配施60%氮肥(MvStN0.6)的水稻产量较冬闲田水稻秸秆不还田100%氮肥(N)、紫云英或水稻秸秆还田配施等量氮肥处理(MvN0.6、StN0.6)分别显著增加4.77%、6.49%、23.48%。紫云英还田处理的水稻地上部氮积累量均显著高于其他等量氮肥处理。与冬闲田水稻秸秆不还田100%氮肥处理相比,紫云英还田配施100%氮肥处理显著增加水稻土碱解氮含量,减氮处理中仅MvStN0.6处理显著增加了土壤全氮含量。紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田配施氮肥处理较冬闲田水稻秸秆不还田配施等量氮肥的氮肥表观利用率均显著提高,MvStN0.6处理较N0.6处理显著增加了氮肥实际利用率。不同处理土壤氮素表观盈亏量差异较大,为-67~69 kg/hm2。综合来看,紫云英与水稻秸秆联合还田配施60%氮肥可有效增加水稻地上部氮的积累,提高水稻的收获指数和氮肥实际利用率,进而增加水稻产量,降低氮肥面源污染。
The combined returning of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw is an important measure to reduce fertilizer and increase efficiency. The effects of combined application of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with nitrogen fertilizer reduction on rice yield and nitrogen nutrition balance were studied to provide theoretical basis for rational utilization of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw in the south of Henan province. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at two levels of 60% nitrogen (N0.6) and 100% nitrogen (N). Rice straw was returned to the field with high stubble (St) and not returned to the field. Two modes of green manure were adopted: planting and rolling Chinese milk vetch (Mv, 22 500 kg/hm2) and winter fallow. The treatment of winter fallow, no straw returning and no fertilization was used as a blank control (CK). In this study, a total of 10 treatments were used to study the effects of co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with nitrogen fertilizer reduction on rice yield, rice aboveground nitrogen accumulation, soil nitrogen content, nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen apparent profit and loss. The results showed that the rice yield in the treatment of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw combined with 60% nitrogen fertilizer (MvStN0.6) was significantly increased by 4.77%, 6.49% and 23.48%, respectively, compared with that in the treatments of winter fallow + rice straw not returning + 100% nitrogen fertilizer (N), Chinese milk vetch or rice straw returning with the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer (MvN0.6, StN0.6). The aboveground nitrogen accumulation of rice in Chinese milk vetch returning treatments was significantly higher than that in other equal nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Compared with the treatment of winter fallow + rice straw not returning + 100% nitrogen fertilizer, the treatment of Chinese milk vetch returning + 100% nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the content of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen in paddy soil. In the nitrogen reduction treatments, only the MvStN0.6 treatment significantly increased the soil total nitrogen content. The apparent nitrogen use efficiency in the treatment of co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with nitrogen fertilizer was significantly higher than that in the treatment of winter fallow + rice straw not returning + equal nitrogen fertilizer, and the actual nitrogen use efficiency in MvStN0.6 treatment was significantly higher than that in N0.6 treatment. The apparent profit and loss of soil nitrogen under different treatments varied greatly, ranging from -67 kg/hm2 to 69 kg/hm2. In summary, the co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw with 60% nitrogen fertilizer can effectively increase the accumulation of nitrogen in the aboveground part of rice, improve the harvest index of rice and the actual utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, thereby increasing rice yield and reducing nitrogen fertilizer non-point source pollution.


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收稿日期:2023-05-12基金项目:国家绿肥产业技术体系项目(CARS-22)作者简介:杜光辉(1992-),男,河南罗山人,硕士研究生,研究实习员,从事土壤肥料与绿肥研究。(E-mail) dugh1992@163.com通讯作者:吕玉虎,(E-mail)18736046075@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15