 ZHU Nan,QIU Meihua,FAN Xinhui,et al.Effects of partial substitution of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers on vegetable yield and soil quality in greenhouse vegetable fields[J].,2024,(06):1004-1011.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.06.006]





Effects of partial substitution of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers on vegetable yield and soil quality in greenhouse vegetable fields
ZHU Nan1QIU Meihua2FAN Xinhui2YAN Shimin2ZHOU Yuanyuan2LI Yunlong1LIANG Yonghong2BAI Yanchao1
(1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China;2.Jiangsu Farmland Quality and Agricultural Environmental Protection Station, Nanjing 210029, China;3.Kunshan Youlai Gucheng Science and Technology Innovation Center, Kunshan 215300, China)
organic fertilizerchemical fertilizerfacility vegetableyieldsoil quality
为探明有机肥部分替代化肥对设施菜地蔬菜产量及土壤质量的影响,明确最佳有机肥替代化肥比例,依托昆山设施蔬菜长期施肥试验,设置7个处理:不施肥对照(CK)、有机肥替代化肥比例0(T1)、20%(T2)、30%(T3)、40%(T4)、50%(T5)和60%(T6),研究不同施肥处理对设施不结球白菜及下茬芹菜株高、产量、种植后土壤理化性质及经济效益的影响。结果表明:(1)有机肥部分替代化肥对设施不结球白菜、芹菜的生长及产量提升均表现出明显的促进作用(T6处理除外);相较于CK,T3处理设施不结球白菜及芹菜的1 hm2平均产量分别增加37.1%及30.4%,显著高于其他处理。(2)与单施化肥处理(T1)相比,T6处理土壤pH显著升高,而电导率显著降低;土壤养分方面,T3处理对设施菜地土壤养分(有机质、总氮、总磷)含量的提升效果最为明显;主成分分析结果显示,有机肥部分替代化肥处理,T3处理土壤理化性质明显区别于其他处理,且电导率、有机质含量、总氮含量可能是影响有机肥部分替代化肥处理设施菜地土壤质量的关键因素;方差分解分析结果显示,土壤pH及电导率对不结球白菜产量的解释度为26.3%,是有机肥部分替代化肥处理影响设施不结球白菜产量的主效应因素;土壤养分(有机质、总氮、总磷)含量是影响下茬芹菜产量的主要因子,其对有机肥部分替代化肥处理设施芹菜产量变化的解释度达22.6%。(3)有机肥部分替代化肥处理对设施蔬菜净收益提升效果明显,其中T3处理设施不结球白菜及芹菜净收益最高,较CK分别增加36.8%及29.0%。综上所述,有机肥部分替代化肥是一项具有缓解设施菜地土壤酸化及次生盐渍化,培肥改良土壤,促进设施蔬菜增产、增收潜力的农业措施。其中,有机肥替代化肥比例30%对设施蔬菜产量及土壤质量提升的综合效果最佳,可能是保障昆山地区设施蔬菜丰产,并有效降低化肥施用量的最佳有机肥-化肥配施比例。
In order to explore the effects of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers on vegetable yield and soil quality in facility vegetable fields, and to determine the optimal proportion of organic fertilizers replacing chemical fertilizers, this study relied on the long-term fertilization experiment of facility vegetables in Kunshan, and set up seven treatments: no fertilization control (CK), organic fertilizers replacing chemical fertilizers at proportions of 0 (T1), 20% (T2), 30% (T3), 40% (T4), 50% (T5) and 60% (T6). The effects of different fertilization treatments on plant height and yield of non-heading Chinese cabbage and celery, soil physical and chemical properties and economic benefits were studied. The results showed that the partial replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer significantly promoted the growth and yield of non-heading Chinese cabbage and celery (except T6 treatment). Compared with CK, the average yield per hectare of non-heading Chinese cabbage and celery in T3 treatment increased by 37.1% and 30.4%, respectively, and was significantly higher than that in other treatments. Compared with T1 treatment, the soil pH of T6 treatment increased significantly, while EC decreased significantly. In terms of soil nutrients, T3 treatment had the most obvious effect on the improvement of soil nutrients (organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus) in greenhouse vegetable fields. The results of principal component analysis showed that the soil physical and chemical properties of T3 treatment were significantly different from those of other treatments, and the electrical conductivity, organic matter content and total nitrogen content might be the key factors affecting the soil quality of greenhouse vegetable field under the treatments of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers. The results of variance decomposition analysis showed that soil pH and electrical conductivity explained 26.3% of the yield of non-heading Chinese cabbage. Soil pH and electrical conductivity were the main factors affecting the yield of non-heading Chinese cabbage under the treatments of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers. The content of soil nutrients (organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus) was the main factor affecting the yield of celery, and its explanation for the change of celery yield under the treatments of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers was 22.6%. The treatments of partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers had a significant effect on the net income of facility vegetables. The net income of non-heading Chinese cabbage and celery in T3 treatment was the highest, which was 36.8% and 29.0% higher than that in CK, respectively. In summary, the partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers was an agricultural measure that had the potential to alleviate soil acidification and secondary salinization in greenhouse vegetable fields, improve soil fertility, and promote the yield and income of greenhouse vegetables. The treatment of replacing 30% chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers had the best comprehensive effect on the improvement of facility vegetables yield and soil quality. It might be the best combination of organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers to ensure the high yield of facility vegetables in Kunshan area and effectively reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15