 HUANG Zhi-rui,LIAO Zhi-wen,LUO Hong-li.Function of the autophagy-related gene ATG20 in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Hevea brasiliensis[J].,2024,(04):636-644.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.04.007]





Function of the autophagy-related gene ATG20 in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Hevea brasiliensis
HUANG Zhi-rui1LIAO Zhi-wen2LUO Hong-li1
(1.Sanya Institute of Breeding and Multiplication, Hainan University, Sanya 572000, China;2.Hainan Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory, Sanya 572000, China)
rubber treeColletotrichum gloeosporioidesautophagyATG20pathogenicity
胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)是引起橡胶树炭疽病的优势小种,橡胶树感染后会大量减产。自噬现象是植物病原真菌中普遍存在的生理过程,自噬过程会受到多个自噬相关基因(ATG)的调控,在病原真菌对逆境的响应、生长发育和致病性方面具有重要作用。本研究克隆了橡胶树胶孢炭疽菌的ATG20同源基因CgATG20,构建了该基因的敲除突变株△CgATG20,并对其致病性、孢子产量、组织侵染情况和自噬情况等进行分析。结果显示,与野生型相比,△CgATG20的致病性、分生孢子产量和对植物的入侵率显著降低。在缺氮条件下,△CgATG20菌丝体中自噬小体的数量显著少于野生型。以上结果表明ATG20在胶孢炭疽菌的生长发育、致病性和自噬中发挥重要作用,这为寻找有效阻断病原真菌发育和侵染途径的防治策略提供了新的靶点。
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the dominant race that causes anthracnose on rubber trees, resulting in substantial reduction in rubber production. Autophagy is a common physiological process in plant pathogenic fungi, which is regulated by multiple autophagy related genes (ATG) and plays an important role in stress response, growth and pathogenicity of pathogenic fungi. In this study, the ATG20 homologous gene in C. gloeosporioides of rubber tree was cloned and named as CgATG20, and the CgATG20 gene knockout mutant △CgATG20 was constructed. The pathogenicity, spore production, tissue infection and autophagy of the mutant △CgATG20 were analyzed. The results showed that the pathogenicity, conidium production and plant invasion rate of △CgATG20 were significantly reduced compared with wild type. Under the condition of nitrogen deficiency, the number of autophagosomes in △CgATG20 mycelium was significantly less than that of wild type. The above results indicate that ATG20 plays an important role in the growth and development, pathogenicity and autophagy of C. gloeosporioides, which provides a new target for finding control strategies that can effectively block the development and infection pathways of pathogenic fungi.


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