 ZHANG Yu-hang,GU Meng-ya,HONG Ya-ping,et al.Multi-genomic identification and expressional analysis of PAL gene family in Jasminum sambac[J].,2024,(03):403-414.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.03.003]





Multi-genomic identification and expressional analysis of PAL gene family in Jasminum sambac
ZHANG Yu-hangGU Meng-yaHONG Ya-pingLIN Hong-zhengJIN ShanYE Nai-xing
(College of Horticulture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University/Key Laboratory of Tea Science at Universities in Fujian Province, Fuzhou 350002, China)
Jasminum sambacphenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL)expressional analysismulti-genomic
To deeply investigate the function of the PAL gene family in Jasminum sambac and its role in the formation of aroma components, multi-genomic analysis of JsPAL gene family was conducted by bioinformatics methods and quantitative real-time PCR technology based on the genomic data of single-petal J. sambac, double petal J. sambac and multi-petal J. sambac from Fuzhou. The results showed that four, one and four PAL family genes were identified from the whole genome of single-petal J. sambac, double petal J. sambac and multi-petal J. sambac, respectively. All members of the JsPAL family had a tripeptide active center composed of alanine-serine-glycine (Ala-Ser-Gly). Collinearity analysis revealed that the collinear relation of PAL gene between single-petal J. sambac, multi-petal J. sambac and Arabidopsis thaliana was stronger compared with that of double-petal J. sambac. Analysis of phylogenetic tree showed that the JsPAL gene family was distributed in two subfamilies. There were many cis-regulatory elements that were related to stress response, hormone response, light response and plant growth in the promoter region of JsPAL genes. The results of fluorescence quantification analysis showed that JsPAL was specifically expressed in J. sambac tissues, and the relative expression of the majority JsPALs in flowers were higher than in other tissues. The relative expression of the majority JsPAL genes in Fuzhou single-petal J. sambac was higher than in double-petal J. sambac. The relative expressions of SP_JsPAL2, SP_JsPAL4, MP_JsPAL1 and MP_JsPAL3 in the pre-opening stage (F3) of Fuzhou single-petal J. sambac were higher than in other stages, the relative expression of DP_JsPAL1 in the F3 stage of Fuzhou double-petal Jasminum sambac was also high. SP_JsPAL1 and SP_JsPAL2 were positively correlated with 2-phenylethanol and phenylacetaldehyde contents, and SP_JsPAL1 was also positively correlated with benzaldehyde content. The results indicated that JsPALs may play an important role in flower development of J. sambac, and SP_JsPAL2, SP_JsPAL4, MP_JsPAL1, MP_JsPAL3 and DP_JsPAL1 may have important regulatory roles in the formation of aroma components in Fuzhou single-petal J. sambac and double-petal J. sambac. Moreover, SP_JsPAL1 may play an important role in the formation of fresh spirit aroma of Fuzhou single-petal J. sambac.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-20