[1]唐伟,张成玲,马居奎,等.基于基因组预测和分析甘薯间座壳菌(Diaporthe batatas)分泌蛋白中效应因子[J].江苏农业学报,2023,(03):665-673.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.03.006]
 TANG Wei,ZHANG Cheng-ling,MA Ju-kui,et al.Genome-wide prediction and analysis of the effector protein of Diaporthe batatas[J].,2023,(03):665-673.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.03.006]

基于基因组预测和分析甘薯间座壳菌(Diaporthe batatas)分泌蛋白中效应因子()




Genome-wide prediction and analysis of the effector protein of Diaporthe batatas
TANG Wei1ZHANG Cheng-ling1MA Ju-kui1YANG Dong-jing1CHEN Jing-wei1GAO Fang-yuan1XIE Yi-ping1WANG Fang2SUN Hou-jun1
(1.Xuzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Xuhuai Area/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Sweetpotato of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xuzhou 221131, China;2.Ningbo Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ningbo 315100, China)
Diaporthe batatassecreted proteineffectorgene functional analysisquantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)
甘薯间座壳菌(Diaporthe batatas)是引起甘薯基腐病的病原菌之一,近年来在中国东南沿海发生较为普遍。由于效应因子在致病过程中发挥着重要作用,本研究采用SignalP 5.0、GPI-SOM、WoLF PSORT、TMHMM-2.0和EffectorP 3.0等生物信息学软件,对甘薯间座壳菌效应因子进行预测和分析。结果表明,从D. batatas全基因组编码的13 864个蛋白质中筛选到359个候选效应因子,其中248个为质外体效应因子,68个为胞内效应因子,43个既可能是质外体效应因子又可能是胞内效应因子。在信号肽分析中,所有候选效应因子信号肽长度为14~37个氨基酸,在信号肽切割位点-3位到+2位出现频率最高的氨基酸分别为丙氨酸、丝氨酸、丙氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸。利用HMMER、DIAMOND和eCAMI 3个软件对359个候选效应因子进行碳水化合物活性酶(CAZyme)类分析,结果表明,有89个蛋白质属于CAZyme,其中糖苷水解酶类最多。eggNOG-mapper分析结果显示,在359个候选效应因子中有227个具有功能注释,主要涉及碳水化合物转运和代谢,翻译后修饰、蛋白质周转、分子伴侣等生理过程。通过qRT-PCR检测9个候选效应因子基因在D. batatas侵染过程中的相对表达水平,发现有7个候选效应因子基因在侵染过程中显著上调,有2个没有显著变化。这些结果的获得为明确甘薯间座壳菌效应因子的功能,分析甘薯基腐病发病机理,筛选寄主抗性基因及研发特异性靶向农药提供了参考。
Diaporthe batatas is one of pathogens causing sweet potato foot rot disease, which is common in the southeast coastal areas of China in recent years. As the effectors played an important role in the pathogenesis, SignalP 5.0, GPI-SOM, WoLF PSORT, TMHMM-2.0, EffectorP 3.0 and other bioinformatic softwares were used to predict and analyze the effectors of D. batatas. The results showed that a total of 359 candidate effectors were screened from the 13 864 proteins in the whole genome of D. batatas. Among these effectors, 248 effectors were apoplastic effectors, 68 effectors were cytoplasmic effectors and 43 effectors were dual-localized (apoplastic/cytoplasmic). The result of signal peptides analysis showed that the lengths of signal peptides were 14-37 amino acids, and the amino acids with the highest frequency at the position -3-+2 of signal peptides cleavage site were alanine, serine, alanine, alanine, proline, respectively. The 89 candidate effectors were predicted and analyzed to be the carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme) through the HMMER, DIAMOND and eCAMI softwares, and most of them belonged to glycoside hydrolase (GH). A total of 227 candidate effectors were functionally annotated among the 359 candidate effectors using eggNOG-mapper, mainly involving carbohydrate transport and metabolism, posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones and other physiological and biochemical processes. The relative expression levels of nine effectors were tested by qRT-PCR. The results showed that seven of them significantly increased at different infection stages, while two of them showed no significant change. These results provide a reference for clarifying the function of the effector, analyzing the pathogenesis of sweet potato foot rot disease, screening new resistant gene and developing specific targeted pesticides.


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收稿日期:2022-05-06 基金项目:国家甘薯产业技术体系项目(CARS-10)作者简介:唐伟(1989-),男,山东泰安人,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事甘薯病虫害防治研究。(E-mail)tangv0001@163.com 通讯作者:孙厚俊,(E-mail)sunhoujun1980@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-07-11