 DAI Xi-bin,WANG Yuan,ZHOU Zhi-lin,et al.Comprehensive analysis of yield stability and testing sites discrimination of leaf-vegetable sweetpotato varieties[J].,2023,(01):22-29.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2023.01.003]





Comprehensive analysis of yield stability and testing sites discrimination of leaf-vegetable sweetpotato varieties
DAI Xi-bin1WANG Yuan2ZHOU Zhi-lin1XIAO Shi-zhuo1ZHAO Ling-xiao1WANG Jie1WANG Yao1LI Qing-lian1ZHU Guo-peng2CAO Qing-he12
(1.Xuzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Xuhuai District, Xuzhou 221131, China;2.Horticulture College of Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China)
leaf-vegetable sweetpotatostabilitydiscriminationAMMI modelGGE biplot
为了科学评价国家菜用甘薯联合鉴定试验中参试甘薯品种(品系)的丰产性、适应性、稳定性及试验点的鉴别力、代表性,采用AMMI模型和GGE双标图对2018-2019年国家菜用甘薯联合鉴定试验中10个甘薯品种(品系)在2年9个试验点的产量数据进行分析,筛选适合大面积推广的丰产、稳产甘薯品种(品系)及鉴别力、代表性较好的试验点。结果表明,菜用甘薯茎尖产量在基因型效应、环境效应及基因型与环境互作效应方面均极显著,其中环境效应占比最大,其次是基因型与环境互作效应,基因型效应占比最小。湘菜薯3号的丰产性、稳定性均较高,最接近理想品种(品系),适合大面积推广种植;黔菜薯2号、薯绿2号、EC15、海大7798、福菜薯25的丰产性较好,但稳定性一般,适合在特定区域推广,湖南长沙地区最适的甘薯品种(品系)为薯绿2号,其次是海大7798、福菜薯25;湖北武汉、重庆、海南琼海、福建福州和广东广州地区的最适甘薯品种(品系)为黔菜薯2号,其次为EC15。海南琼海、福建福州是菜用甘薯茎尖产量鉴别力、代表性均较强的试验点,更适合作为菜用甘薯的鉴定试验点。研究首次在菜用甘薯产量分析中同时使用AMMI和GGE 2种分析模型,展示了2种方法的应用效果,明确了适合大面积推广和在特定区域种植的甘薯品种(品系),确定了最佳鉴定试验点,为菜用甘薯新品种(品系)的合理推广和进行科学区域试验提供了理论参考。
To evaluate scientifically the yield, adaptability, stability and testing sites discrimination and representativeness of varieties (lines) in leaf-vegetable sweetpotato joint identification trials in China, the AMMI model and GGE biplot were used to analyze the yield data of ten varieties (lines) in nine testing sites during 2018-2019. The productive and stable varieties suitable for large scale promotion as well as the testing sites with good discrimination and representativeness were screened. The results showed that the yield of leaf-vegetable sweetpotato reached highly significant in genotype effect, environment effect and interaction effect. Environment effect accounted for the largest proportion, followed by interaction effect, and genotype effect was the smallest. Xiangcaishu No.3 had higher productivity and stability, and it was the closest to the ideal variety, which was suitable for large area promotion. Qiancaishu No.2, Shulü No.2, EC15, Haida 7798 and Fucaishu 25 had better productivity, but had mediocre stability, so they were suitable for promotion in specific areas. The most suitable variety (lines) in Changsha, Hunan province was Shulü No.2, followed by Haida 7798 and Fucaishu 25. For Wuhan of Hubei, Chongqing, Qionghai of Hainan, Fuzhou of Fujian and Guangzhou of Guangdong, the most suitable variety (lines) was Qiancaishu No.2, followed by EC15. Qionghai of Hainan and Fuzhou of Fujian were the more discriminating and representative testing sites and more suitable as identification test sites for vegetable sweetpotato. In this study, AMMI and GGE analytical models were used simultaneously in vegetable sweetpotato yield analysis for the first time, and the application effects were demonstrated. And the varieties(lines) suitable for large-scale promotion and planting in specific areas were identified, and the best identification test points were determined, which provided a theoretical reference for the rational promotion of new leaf-vegetable sweetpotato varieties and scientific regional test.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-03-21