 HE Yan-qiu,CHEN Rou,ZHU Si-yu,et al.Spatial network structure of agricultural carbon emission in China and regional collaborative emission reduction[J].,2020,(05):1218-1228.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2020.05.020]





Spatial network structure of agricultural carbon emission in China and regional collaborative emission reduction
HE Yan-qiuCHEN RouZHU Si-yuWANG Fang
(College of Management, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China)
agricultural carbon emissionsspatial correlation networkcollaborative emission reduction
Study on the inter-provincial correlation and influencing factors of agricultural carbon emission can lay the foundation for establishing the regional collaborative emission reduction mechanism and exerting the chain-effect of emission reduction. Breaking through the traditional methods of examining regional agricultural carbon emission correlation based on geographic adjacency or geographic distance, social network analysis was used to investigate the characteristics of agricultural carbon emission correlation from the perspective of spatial network and clarify the network functions of each region. In addition, the reasons of agricultural carbon emission correlation were explained from the perspective of spatial correlation, economic correlation and technology linkage by nonparametric regression. Agricultural carbon-emission ossociation network had high stability, and regional spillovers were ranked. The central provinces and cities were the core of the network, and the importance of the western provinces and cities had increased significantly. The eight sectors delivered agricultural carbon emissions in the roles of flatterers, brokers, beneficiaries, contributors and solitary. The three-latitude correlation of space, economy and technology was the main factor that caused the carrelation of agricultural carbon emission. It was proposed to expand inter-provincial agricultural carbon emission correlation by shortening space distance, strengthening economic relation and strengthening technology spillover. The "lead-follow" emission reduction strategy was implemental according to the differentiated role of each region in the correlation network. Give full play to the intermediary’s "conduit" role. Finally, an inter-provincial interactive and cooperative emission reduction mechanism will be formed.


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